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Joey Guppy

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  1. WOW! For a game that already has so much to it, these visuals just blow your mind! I recently saw some previews for two other games that made me go WOW. But nethier of those games will be out for over a year. Then i come here and see the stuff that Mr. smart and the 3000ad team are doing, and this is stuff that will be out alot sooner than those other games , and just wonder how amazing of games they will be turning out in a year and a half or two years when these games that look good in previes now are comeing out. BC is amazing!!!!!!!!!
  2. SC If you make a bc 3030ad and the player can change between flying the battlecruiser and walking around the ship in first person will the actions of NPC's still be scripted or behavioral? I ask this because i think you said that if there was going to be a bc3030 you would try and make it so when you were in first person on the ship it would be in rt with the universe out side the ship. If the strike pak is not going to be in a Bc 3030 (assuming you decide to make a 3030)and it is all in one system it would probley be cooler for if there actions were behavioral. but in Bc 3020 since there is nothing happening when your in srike pak mode the non combat NPC's are not that important and probley work better with scripted actions. Uh.. i hope this question make sense. sorry if it doesn't
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