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Everything posted by aramike

  1. quote: Get ahead in life, for what? We are but falling leaves(as to quote some artist), all paths leads to the cemetary.By that absurdly silly logic, why complain about poverty then? If you use THAT line of thinking, ANYTHING should be okay with everyone. "Hey, why should I care if you're hungry? We all are gonna just die anyway!" I'll tell you what... even better, why should anyone work hard to become a doctor, an inventor, etc. "Some Artist" clearly had no appreciation for the things in life that allowed him to live and therefore articulate stupid thoughts such as that. Heh, why invent language? Why NOT just commit suicide? Why get ahead? Thank God people like "Some Artist" don't run the world. Umm, no dice. quote: So, one guy called Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf where he poses his ideas of racial purity and all kind of nonesense....and he was defeated by his own ideology of "rightness". Hitler may have won if he went for Moscow rather than Stalingrad. But, by going against the common wishes of those who served him (because his version of "right" was inflexible), he was destroyed. The disgustingly beautiful thing about Hitler is that he is all the proof I need against liberalism: everyone, and I mean damned-near EVERYONE, sought to appease him. He was only defeated, however, by staying the course. So, while all you Chamberlains out there keep trying to tell us how we're creating more terrorists by fighting them (which is actually LOL preposterous; I mean, we also created more Nazi soldiers by fighting back - SO WHAT? Should be allow Nazism to exist because to face it we temporarily perpetuate it to a localized extent?), doesn't mean that OTHER ideas won't turn out to be the right ones. Or, are you Hitlerian in your inflexibility? quote: Then about half century later dozens of guys wrote stuff like PNAC hoping for catalysing events like Pearl Harbor... First of all, that is ABSURD and why you aren't to be taking seriously. Sure, a dozen guys wrote PNAC. But the BS (and thick, stinky BS) comes in by their hoping to be a catalyst for events such as Pearl Harbor. That is UNEVIDENCED speculation, and a conspiracy all its own. Get it yet? Conspiracy theories are often the results of themselves. You have to literally make events mean WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO MEAN for your theory to be true. Why? Because NO EVIDENCE SUPPORTS IT. quote: Well, you don't have to get hit with the bat to know that it'll hurt.Perhaps not. But someone does... Meaning ... we have to learn lessons from each other. (Ahem, Chamberlain) [ 10-03-2006, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: aramike ]
  2. quote: Anyway, Grizzle just linked a page(above) which explains a lot IMO as well. Same d00ds with those crazy ideas(Wolfowitz as Leo Strauss' pupil have seen forthcoming destruction of morale of american's unless something is done) are now in highest positions of power. And you wonder why?I don't know ... maybe hard work? Why is it that liberals almost always see great success as a conspiracy but want to excuse poor behaviors which result in there being an underclass? Work hard ... be smart ... get ahead in life. Like I said, this conspiracy stuff is nonsense. No proof = nothing. Thank God our legal system doesn't work on the "coincidence" system.
  3. aramike

    Napster Ad Campaign

    quote: Originally posted by malbore: Yeah I guess so, someone told me that in the other site you have to pay a dollar to buy a song but in Napster it is less than a dollar. Actually I am not yet that familiar of using Napster, anyone is using napster here? The other site, ITUNES, is less than a buck. I use that one.
  4. aramike

    Napster Ad Campaign

    quote: Originally posted by malbore: Yeah who knows! But I guess it is not aired on TV, I haven't seen it yet, I guess only here on net. But I like video though! although I can't get the written message in the end of the video saying "Never Pay A Buck A Track"? Do you know what it means? I'll guess its referring to a subscription service...
  5. OK. Conspiracy theories are typically the whacked-out creation of egomaniacs who have to continuously remind themselves that they're smarter than the rest of us. They tend to do so by creating ideas and connections that the rest of us WON'T see (because they usually don't substantially exist) and then assume that they are the smart ones because the rest of us DON'T see them. What's usually lacking, though? The beef. I'm not necessarily saying that you're some kind of egomaniac; just making a general observation. Supported by: quote: That's the whole problem with you right wing scumbags. You have no .ucking idea. Yeah, we have no idea. You're right. You're so smart... Except, WE are the ones who base our opinions on hard evidence - not unsupported speculation. Thank God the world works OUR way and not yours. Now, that being said, there is an irony here... Conservatives often accuse the Clinton administration of not doing enough to fight terrorism. Liberals, then, ALWAYS shoot back by implying the Bush didn't do enough either, prior to 9/11. That response surely implies that liberals agree that more should have been done, but don't blame Clinton because Bush didn't do it either. But, then liberals often come back with this Iraq war was premeditated nonsense and act as though its condemning the administration. But the thing is, if that theory was true ... then why are liberals saying that Bush wasn't doing enough when clearly he was trying to? This method of trying to have it both ways implies that the left really doesn't know what's going on. But it just HAS to be bad because the country doesn't trust them enough to be in charge of it. Now, as far as your conspiracy theory goes, despite the fact that you have absolutely no evidence, I find it even MORE difficult to buy into because of the nature of our times. How in the HELL can an administration stage an election AND a WAR when it can't even keep Scooter Libby's name away from the NY Times? We have a non-stop barrage of leaks (with evidence, mind you) about damned near EVERYTHING and yet somehow the most vast and far-reaching conspiracy of our time remains hushed with only a few SPECULATORS GUESSING that something MAY have happened. Why is it that conspiracy theorists always ignore any impact that outside events and nature would have unless it falls right in line with the theory? Because, deep down, they know it's wrong.
  6. quote: Originally posted by HorseloverFat: That's the whole problem with you right wing scumbags. You have no .ucking idea. And yes, I miss your diatribe. Oddly enough, the one who says that everyone else has no idea is the one who actually has no idea. Now cut the crap and begin respecting EVERYONE on these boards immediately or I'll delight in banning you. We don't call people "scumbags" around here (or any other flame for that matter), regardless of what they believe in. Ideas are welcome here (even absurd ones). Flame wars are not. You've been warned.
  7. quote: Originally posted by HorseloverFat: Of course there is no way I can prove this, but I am damm sure Cheney somehow 'conned' Bush into this diaster Iraq. I mean...why did Cheney chose himself as VP? Expain that right wingers. How absurd is it to make an assertion that has absolutely no evidence or basis in fact. Funny how lefties have gotten so desperate...
  8. aramike


    quote: aramike, you have just reminded me I don't have ICQ on this laptop! I must change that! [/QB] Send you PM about that... nice to hear you're going forward.
  9. quote: At the end of the day, someone else, even unintentionally, can suffer by another's selfish pride. Selfish is the key word; there are other types of pride, some better than others.Right. The same way that a victim of a suicide bomber will suffer at the end of the day. Look. We can use all the liberal psycho-babble-mumble-jumble we want to SOMEHOW create a moral equivalance between Christianity and Islam but in the final analysis, your average Joe Sixpack knows that its an arrogance that, at worst, is annoying. An arrogance that MURDERS people is NOT the same thing. I know that liberals have a need to excuse detestable behavior and therefore justify it. However, most people are NOT afraid to call a duck a duck and a lame attempt to ambiguously label Christianity's "pride" as somehow morally equivalent as Islam's homegrown terrorism shows a pre-existing bias against Christianity for whatever reason. A good tactic I use to prevent any bias I have from influencing my opinions is to attempt to look at the situation from a distance. I advise trying that. I can only conclude that selfish pride with regards to your stated opinion in this matter is the reason you're attempting to compare modern Islam and modern Christianity. The fact is, any thinking person without an axe to grind can tell that there is no comparison.
  10. aramike


    What's happenin', chica?
  11. quote: LAHORE, Pakistan - About 1,000 Muslim clerics and religious scholars meeting Thursday in eastern Pakistan demanded the removal of Pope Benedict XVI for making what they called "insulting remarks" against Islam. ...yet it's quite alright to call us "infidels" and the "Great Satan". You know what? Let's demand the removal of each one of their religious leaders for their "insulting remarks". One of these days these barbarian morons are going to wake up and realize that the rest of the world has passed them by. Their culture of despotism and religious fanaticism is only taken seriously due to the unending violence perpetuated by this so-called "peaceful" religion. The rest of the world would otherwise laugh at their silly, petty little demands of "payment" for what they deem insulting. Anyone who tries to compare modern Christianity to modern Islam is insane. One religion has a HECK of a lot more followers than the other, in a HECK of a lot more FREE, DEMOCRATIC nations. And that religion isn't the one trying to bend the world to its belief system via terror. Think about it.
  12. quote: Where Muslims have violence we have selfish pride... If you don't see the difference between violence and pride, you're blind. Pride can be peaceful - violence, by nature, cannot be.
  13. Heh - whoever said this needs a life: quote: There is no reason to argue causation, because while correlation does not equal causation, the absence of correlation means no causation in our case.
  14. Woman kills hitman hired to kill her. With her bare hands.
  15. Isn't ironic how they're protesting someone asserting that parts of their religion is evil - and they're using evil acts (violence, effigies, etc.) to do so? Here's a novel idea for that part of the world: if you don't like our perception of you, CHANGE IT. They seem more apt at reinforcing it, IMHO.
  16. Why do Muslims always want us to respect THEIR traditions and beliefs but ALWAYS fall short of respecting ours? You don't see people marching down US streets protesting Muslims calling us "infidels". But everytime you even IMPLY that you disagree with something they believe in, in turns into an international frenzy complete with protests, violence, effigy-burnings, etc. It's pathetic that some parts of that culture has reduced their version of humanity to nothing more than an exercise in anger.
  17. quote: Originally posted by HorseloverFat: "Welcome to America". I don't think he had insurance. Like 42 million others. Dude. Don't go political. Not here.
  18. quote: Originally posted by Case: That's not proof of games causing violence in kids, it's just proof that everyone needs a decent, fast PC. There wouldn't have been a problem if only his Mom had bought him the new CPU and memory he as for. ...or if he wasn't just plain psycho.
  19. LOL! Dental surgery is more frightening than medical surgery usually due to the fact that you're most often awake for it. But hey - since I've found a dentist that does sedation dentistry, dental work is a walk in the park. Trust me - even at its worst, dental surgery pales in comparison to others. I know this one all too well as I've had work on my knee, my skull, a lung, my intestines, etc. Aging sucks. Except the dental part gets easier.
  20. We'll smoke weed after your homework is finished. [ 09-13-2006, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: aramike ]
  21. Whoa - someone care to enlighten me as to what we are (or should be) talking about here?
  22. Dude, at least comment on the post. Or, simply post in that thread as it will "bump" it to active. Heh, if you're gonna post a link to something on THIS site, at least have a reason. (Not deleting topic for reference purposes)
  23. Everyone likes to claim that they're "fair" until the truth inconveniences them. So, while organizations like the ACLU are defending a WOMAN'S "right" to enter a men's school, they couldn't careabout the opposite. What's the REAL problem? Somewhere, along the way, we've decided that civil rights only apply to the minority.
  24. quote: (Beaners=Mexicans)Thank you, Captain Obvious.
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