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Everything posted by Debio

  1. so, from this thread and the manual, i gather that the firing solution of missiles is based on the radar specs for the the missile. are the firing accuracies of guns determined by a combination of craft radar and visual detection? i still don't understand how the min/max radar ranges and especially the min/max launch altitudes for craft come into play. is there a reference somewhere that explains, in detail, what the various craft specs mean? some are obvious to the layman, others are obscure. ta...
  2. how to obtain the dist? since i am sitting at the gate, using F10 tactical (inverse tactical?) i can see the npc's ship alignment relative to myself with the gate in view. if the npc is 50 klicks out from me, and i am less than a couple klicks from the gate, i can determine that the npc is nowhere near the gate when it disappears. i see no cloaking effect when they disappear. i never spend the jump recovery time trying to chase them down by going thru the gate since my ship takes 90s to recover - most ships would be out of reach B4 i could recharge and jump again.
  3. i have seen the same thing happen. i must get within 0.5km of gates in order to jump, but npc craft jump from tens of km out from the gate.
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