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Everything posted by weegee_101

  1. Heh, I hate microsoft. I love how they mention that open-source is expensive because you have to teach people to use it, but with every new version of Microsoft Office many need to re-learn it because they've switched everything around. Linux is a big contender, Microsoft needs to realize that they need to make some improvements to their own software if they want to win this fight. They could start by making all their new products open-source, but we all know they'd never do that. Another thing; open-source is not the result of a "jihad" against Microsoft, but in fact, a result of people needing something that can do what they want it to, and more than they want as well. I use OpenOffice.Org Suite myself because its multi-platform, and I can make it do almost anything that I need it to. Along with that I'm secure against most document based viri (which are rare at this point in time, but still happen none the less.) I'm afraid that Microsoft with this "Myth-Busting Tour" will in fact spread negative myths about Linux. In fact, Linux is slightly more secure than Windows, but only if the user sets up the iptables and the rest of the security measures. Unfortunately most do not. Also, viri for Linux are easily removed... most of the time you can boot from a floppy or a cd and then go into the kernel and remove the virus by deleting a line or two in your code. Linux is not a bad thing. Microsoft unfortunately can't cope with the fact that an OS that can actually out-perform Windows is finaly taking hold in the IBM PC-Compatible market.
  2. quote:So, if an enemy Marine decides to break off his attack, hijack a MFB, and turn me into road-kill while I am alone, on foot and without cover.... I'll run straight at it, grab the front bumper of the MFB, swing underneath and wait until the baddie stops to examine my corpse when I'll riddle him with laser shots. Wow... I'm glad I read this thread, otherwise I would have never known how to outwit and defeat the Maniacal MFB Driving Marine! I like this n00b. He's got class. You wanna join the Insurgency... We need people like you. Andy: Don't fear the planetary combat; use your CC to shoot them from above . Nothing like the smell of scorched Resnig.... er, enemy marines......
  3. I hate starforce. I've had my share of bad experiences with it from Gangland; a game that is now sitting on my shelves because of the Starforce junk... I agree with developers who put copy-protections in games; unfortunately its needed at this point in time, but its bizarre that a copy protection would include device drivers that you cannot uninstall (even though device manager... Gangland did not uninstall Starforce when I uninstalled it the first time.) It should be illegal to install stuff to your hard disk that cannot be uninstalled by normal methods. (Including Spyware, Malware, & device drivers; since PnP I've never had a problem uninstalling a device driver in windows) Damn if I'll let lawmakers make a law for that though... I can just see how Microsoft could lobby for something that would hurt Linux.
  4. quote:Oh wait. They must be run by crap AI. Too bad, even with crap AI, you can't hide. Must be my fault. At any rate, as soon as you learn exactly what threat assessment and target acquisition means, it will all come to you. But I'm not counting on it.LMAO! *Sarcastic* Yea, this sure is crap AI, can't even tell when your trying to hide from it. */sarcastic*
  5. Well, for starters Paramount didn't have the rights to Tomb Raider at first anyhow. If I'm correct they're leasing the rights for the movies, and they have to get Eidos' approval for each movie. I would blame the movies for the game's failure, but that would be more childish fingerpointing.
  6. You become frustrated that you can't fire any missles on the planetary surface, and then realize you don't have any ATS or ATA missles loaded. (Ahh yes, I remember doing that one looooong ago.)
  7. quote:Originally posted by Fox__Trot: although a battlecruiser movie could be done with a small group in a basment with some nice computers Heck yea! Battlecruiser 3000AD: The INDIE Movie! Count me in; if you all need a Sound Engineer you've got one!
  8. Not to mention that most games on the XBox are also on the computer....... If you want a real console get a Gamecube, they're fun and extremely portable, and they have all the nice fancy new graphics that everyone wants!
  9. God bless him and his family. Brave man.
  10. What SC is saying is that rather than ask to post the link, just do it next time.... so post the dang link already.
  11. Heh, only if we could place small explosive "decompression" charges in the center of him... heh, I like that idea.. Boom. I'm such a sick b******
  12. I am here, busy though. I'll try to get some multiplayer in tonight if I can.
  13. Pfffffffffftttt....lol damnit, now I gotta clean up my monitor. Trying to say something without saying are we?
  14. quote:Originally Posted by Grizzle: Though, unlike Fox, they realize there is more to the news than "All America All the Time".Exactly what I was trying to point out. American interests are important, but the world interests America as well, we have to respect that. Had it not been for interest in the world we probably wouldn't have sent supplies to Europe before Japan dragged us into the war with Pearl Harbor. God Bless America. Besides, if you don't like CNN and the others than just don't watch them. Use your energy in more productive places than just complaining about them, much less through a computer. Complaining does little more than rabble rouse, and it does that poorly.
  15. Well, it is important. But I'd like to see some hard proof before I'd believe that networks were not allow to bid on this event.. If what you say is true, thats pretty damn sad, but there is other news in the world thats just as important. Don't take that as I think the World War II Memorial is unimportant (because I know some of you will...) its extremely important, my grandfather is there today for its opening, but a lot goes on in the world. If it wasn't for the whole capture Saddam thing that all the channels were hitting we might have known about how Bush had signed more of our Civil Liberties away. Just a thought; ignorance is our worst enemy, its better that one channel handle the event rather than 5. That way people can see whats going on in the world as well as see the opening of the Memorial. I wouldn't hold it past these channels to do a special on it later on in the week. I haven't looked at their lineup for the week though, so I'm not sure about this.
  16. They didn't. Fox probably got the rights to record the speeches, the others probably lost the bid. This is how television in America works, several agencies bid on covering something and then one wins, and they get the rights to do something. This is probably a contract agreement, it isn't a political thing, so they all don't have free right to record it. This is how our news system works, one records a major event, while the others handle everything else whats going on in the world. Its worked since the beginning of televised newscasting and I doubt it'll end anytime soon. This is hardly "liberal". Its just how Mass Communications works. I can scan my textbook if you need more proof. Pretty damn conservative if you ask me, being as they're following the system thats been used for years....
  17. Heh, sounds fun Cruis.In. Good luck out there, the world can be a cruel place. My website is finally coming together... And the server is almost built too! I need a case and then it'll be done. If any of the Insurgent fleets need *free* webspace I'll be glad to host you. There may be a few blackout times when I move off to school, but after the school year begins it should be up 24/7 (But I'm using Windows rather than linux for DNS4Me support; I'm not gonna pay the extra 20 a month for static IP, DNS4Me is cheaper.) If any of the fleets want in just say so; I hope to have the server up sometime this June.
  18. Do you think it might be possible to load XFire onto a 24/7 computer to host the 3000ad master profile? Right now its logged off, which kind of defeats the purpose of it.
  19. I have an announcement to make... The ICV-Red Star has been decommissioned tonight. This has been coming, the Questar class just isn't what it used to be (in BCM). I've decided to go with a Warmonger Class Heavy Cruiser, named, the ICV-Red Star Mk. 2. If you want a peek at my new ship logo, go to http://www.digikitten.com/playhousev2/file.../redstarmk2.jpg I feel like this is the right thing to do, and it'll benefit the fleet immensly. What good is a recon man who's slow as molassas.
  20. Welcome to the Insurgency. Burn Galcom. Burn Gammula. Rise up, and start the fire.
  21. Looks like Atari is really trying to kill Falcon 4.... http://www.f4hq.com/default.php?page=default This is disappointing, I just bought Falcon 4 at a garage sale a few days ago, and this is really disappointing.
  22. Yep; apparently he has... --- http://dpsinfo.com/dps/bnames.html Richard Biggs (actor) -- Dead. Stroke or aneurysm. Died May 22, 2004. Born December 18, 1961. Starred on Babylon 5 as Dr. Stephen Franklin, recently on Tremors --- He was a good actor, its sad that he died. Pretty young too. He was about 43... Sorry to bring the bad news...... if anyone else has information they might as well post it. EDIT: Even more concrete proof.... http://www.jmsnews.com/msg.aspx?id=1-17099
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