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Everything posted by echo

  1. Race I think that is the first time you didn't refer to her as the Evil One! I am soo glad you bonded. There is nothing more important to a little girl than her daddy!
  2. Tac I don'thave any advise for you but just had to say. You are sooo sweet!
  3. I have to disagree with you Hellbinder. I have a pic from the mid 70's looks like a U.F.O. It was a cover to a pot. I also think you are forgetting Star Wars came out in the mid 70's. Chewy looked real to me! I also think after staring at these pictures that the fir looks fake, looks like wool. Before anyone hops on me or send me pic of foot prints, I am not doubting Big Foot I am just not in agreement with the movie comment.
  4. Don't worry tac, if she didn't want to hear from you, she wouldn't have written! I am soo happy for you! Regardless of what way it goes, you'll never again wonder "what if". Just remember to give it 100%. Best wishes! xoxoxo
  5. Nomad, you're wicked smart! (please say that with my Boston accent)
  6. Health and happiness Derek!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo
  7. Tac, I can only guess that if I found out someone was looking for me and I got his number etc, I would probobly be too nervous to call right away. Especailly if the encounter you guys had was or had the potential to be more than a friendship. Now keep in mind, that comes from a lady who has one finger in her ear and one near her mouth pretending to talk on the phone to her 3 year old who is 2 feet away!
  8. Race I wish you luck! I also hope your sister and nephew get better soon!
  9. Tac my fingers are crossed for you. Your story is sooo sweet! I think when she finds out how hard you have been looking for her she will be touched!
  10. It was really cool in November when we saw these 3 big wild turkeys coming to the backyard bird feeder. Everytime we opened the slider or the kids were too loud the birds took off into the woods. I was never able to get a good shot (picture that is). That has all changed....Last week Tom (as my son named him) trapped my mother in her car for 15 minutes. Nothing she did would get it to leave. Last Wed, it was commical as the turkey stopped every car that came down the street, mine included. The only issues we had is that after the mother incident my son (5) was scared, so scared in fact he had an unfortunate accident in his pants. All in all things have been pretty funny. I contacted different turkey web sites to see how we can live peacfully with the birds. The site mentioned any intentional feeding of these bird is a no no. My neighbors had actually allowed them to eat off of their picnic table and when we had the large snow storms, they made a walk way for them. Yesterday while out in my fenced play area with the kids, my next door neighbor was chased into my yard and into the fenced area by the bird. Being the brave woman that I am I grabbed a big blue swimming noodle and approached the 4ft fence. When I got there the head popped up over the fence, he puffed up all his feathers and charged at it. So much for intimidating the bird. We then,after a lot of effort, untangled the hose and tried to squirt it. He didn't seem to mind the shower. I have to buy one of those shoot the water things. He then got more angry and gobbled (if that is what you call it) and pecked at the fence. All the while the neighbor and I were praying it would not fly up and over. We had 3 kids with us all under 8. We finally called the neighbors daughter and she brought out their dog. The turkey ran off into the woods. Ha take that pansy! About 15 minutes later I was taking out the trash and saw "the live in" parked in the driveway, but he was not getting out of the car. It was then I saw that damn bird, pecking at the tires. I went to the side door with a broom to wave at the bird. This is another tactic I was told to try. The bird began coming towards me. I ran into the house. We tried banging pots and pans,water, ice,yelling,running towards, and kicking the air. Yes me and my two teenage cousins looked absolutley ridiculous! Neighbors drove by stopping, laughing, and taking pictures. The thing would not leave. I finally went to the front door and made noise he ran to me. The "live in" then had the chance to run in the side door. Little did I know that the turkey could climb steps and started tapping on the class with his beak. I began to kick the bottom aluminum, or whatever it is, panel and he still did not leave. I then tried to open the door to tap his face and scare him. he still did not care. We determined that the more noise we made the more attention he gave us. So we all sat quietly. He moved into a wodded area between my driveway and the other neighbors driveway and paced. Which again annoyed me becasue we were supposed to go somewhere. He would occasionally puff up his feathers and gobble loudly. Still he would not leave. After another 15 minutes the neighbor pulled up and got out of the car to get his mail. He was chased back into the car then the bird chased his truck all the way down his long driveway. The bird then made his way back up closer to my house. After another 5 minutes I saw this huge bird fly up into a tree. This was an amazing sight to see. I heard they could fly but never saw it. I think it was that point that I realized how dangerous this bird could become. I also got extrememly angry because the bird is obviously toying with us! Once I was sure he was gone.We were able to run the kids out to the car and go pick up their new baby rabbit. While we were out, we tried to find a store that carried coyote urine. I had heard this might keep them away. Do you know how hard it is to find that?!? I may as well chase one around with a pail! I called animal control this morning. My son is now terrified and will not go outside They don't handle wild life. They did give me the number of a man who will came and trap it for a minimum of $100.00. I have yet to call to see if that is per day or a one time fee. I have a few pictures but do not know how to post them properly. Beside the blue head Tom is a really beautiful bird and I know he is just protecting his ladies, but I want nothing more than to punch him in the face!
  11. Hi Derek I am very sorry to hear about your accident. Times like that definately do remind you that life is short and unpredictable. I am glad that although you will be going through a lot of discomfort you are sill here. Take care!
  12. I can't make any opinions of this without seeing what was written, knowing the kid, or the benefit of more information. I can say I had a journal all my life and I have been writing poerty and or short stories since I was 12. I started keeping my real life and fictional stories in 2 seperate books. When I was in 6th grade I copied a quick poem from my older sisters notebook into my school note book. My teacher found it and assumed it meant I was sexually active and called my mother. In reality I wanted to be like my older sister and have a poem in my notebook. Lesson learned, on two levels I learned not to put certain poems in certain places and I learned what the poem meant from the teacher. Honestly I still don't see what the alarm was all about, the poem wasn't and isn't that bad. That was like 23 years ago. Today kids know a lot more a lot sooner and mabey he should have known to keep two notebooks. I can't recall any kids actually killing fellow students back then, around here anyway. I mean you used to be able to sing songs on the bus that mentioned the school burning down, these days you can't even think that song, without being questioned. I guess I think he may lack some common sense.
  13. I love email and I love to text message. Keeps me from actually having to speak to people. As to car usage. I am guilty guilty guilty. I have a hellish commute. Most of the guys in cars are readuing the paper. I do always use caution and in bad weather I refrain from text messaging while driving. I used to eat and drive now I talk and drive. I find it is better for my figure.
  14. Oh my....I didn't mean I would kick the dog.. I find this extrememly disturbing. I watch a blind woman walk down a busy street everyday. I watch her climb into snowbanks everytime she hears a car. I have wanted 100 times to stop and offer her a ride, but am afraid she would be scared or worse..offended. She should have a dog. My comment was more form the mind set of what possesss someone to bite a dog. What could be soo important to get to, that you can't wait for the traffic to stop. I am definatley on the side of the dog or monkey or any other animal that assists a handicap and even those that don't. Also just becasue they do not see an actual bite mark doesn't mean he didn't do it. It sounds like there were plenty of witnesses. My nephew bit my niece the other day and the red spot only lasted about 15 minutes.
  15. If I was that dog, I would have walked that dude right in front of a bus! I am left to wonder though...wouldn't the kick have been sufficient? Was the bite entirely necessary? How mad does one have to be to bite a furry animal?
  16. In 1965 the sun moved into Pisces on the 18th so technically you will have more Piscean traits. In 1963 it moved in on the 19th so the actual time of birth would be critical. My older brother and younger sister were both born on the 20th. Although they claim to be all Pisces, I tend to see some of their aquarian traits too. I had a chart done the other day that included a progressed chart which is totally different than the birth one. It explained alot about my sudden spells when I need perfection, or when i am a control freak, and things like that. Things that are totally unaquarian. It was cool. Of course if I wanted to take it home it would have cost 100.00. So I left it and and waiting on some software I ordered... Well now that Ronald Reagan is gone the only other notable person with my birthday besides my son, is Axel Rose. I think I will forget about Axel and remember Jag's mom. Echo out (sorry I have been watching American Idol)
  17. Happy Birthday JAG!!!! Man I feel better, I turned 35 on the 6th. I was soo upset, but at least I am not 40!!!! Best wishes to you and yours!
  18. I think I dated a jar of mayonnaise once.....
  19. I would think that would be one of my opening questions in that type of situation. I checked out an internet dating site for a brief time after my divorce. I searched through thousands of pictures of guys within a 50 mile radius. A lot of them had nice bios but the pictures weren't soo great. It was there and then that I figured out I am shallow.
  20. When I first started reading this thread, I thought, "Oh I should tell a cute little story about the venus fly trap I had when I was younger." Then I read more and I was totally impressed by the Ants hearding lice. It makes me feeding hamburger to a plant seem a bit boring
  21. This made me really sad! I spent many a night watching the I stopped watching The Tonight Show when Leno took over too. He just never did it for me. Jonny was soo handsome.
  22. I am dying to see this one! I am glad it's good!
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