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Everything posted by Arsonide

  1. Nah just what I've observed, not only my posts either I've read a lot of the BCM and UC forums.
  2. The general answer around here apparently is to refer you to a faq, manual, website, etc...Rather than just giving you the answer. So you might as well look elsewhere for info.
  3. I'm not sure about the rate of fire but yes, they will be more realistic, I read some stuff SC said.
  4. Along the same lines of these questions: Will there be more battle fronts on the ground? I mean, I was flying from an insurgent base to a military base to attack, and it was about 10 minutes of dead nothingness (this is the moon we're talking about..). Granted there will be trees and bushes and deer and things to gawk at on other planets, but what about battles? Targets of opportunity it's called. I used to play World War 2 Online, the game is horrible because it's too realistic, but the idea is the same. I'd fly from one city to another and I'd rarely ever get to my mission target because I was so occupied with targets of opportunity, tanks and other planes and such. Will I notice infantry skirmishes (with vehicular support) occasionally to join on long flights between (opposing) cities and bases, or dogfights (or lone ships) to fight with. Otherwise, the game is essentially a big box. HUGE, but empty ... assuming you're a military person. If you're an explorer it's a very full box I assume the answer to this is no because it's along the same lines as increased space traffic, which you said no to. The reason I ask is because the difference here is your "If it ain't broke don't fix it." motto doesn't apply, space traffic has no use or gameplay value, just prettiness. Enemy encounters would add a lot to gameplay, and thus have a use (getting experience, adding to fun factor).
  5. Ok Ok I know I posted twice today, that's a lot for this board but I'll stop after this one Anyway, I didn't play BCM:G enough to see long term base movements affect each other, nor did I see a base captured (if that's possible), I saw a few buildings destroyed but not whole bases. Continuing, it seems to me that the game, based on current dynamics, would NATURALLY change around, bases being captured by different sides, insurgent and military etc. So if I went to Jupiter space and did something, I could come back and notice that a massive assault took one of my bases. My question is does this happen in BCM:G or will it happen in UC? (By war dynamics I mean sort of what happens in Planetside daily, although don't take me too literally on that, I simply mean the concept. Look at Planetside's map in the morning, then at night.) Even if it happens in BCM:G, you can't have new bases, even though (I think) old bases can be destroyed. This would lead to Earth eventually having no bases (forever) and essentially be useless for any sort of gameplay except for the explorer. Next question that arises is this (which was answered in another post but vaguely sort of) Can bases be built? Or will they sporadically appear (slowly) to be taken if they can't. (A roundabout way to fix the issue I speak of) What I got from the other post was assets can't be built, which I think encompasses vehicles (producing your own fighters, which would make UC a RTS, and it's not a RTS) and people and such but I don't know about bases. That sounds hypocritical when referenced to the RTS statement, but it's to enhance the gameplay of fighters and marines by changing the situations around to reduce repetitiveness, and if there was a limit to the amount of bases you could have on a planet, it would help the RP a lot, competition for control of a planet (without all the dead land space between them, since that can be changed). (that was a lot of commas) Domination of a planet and defense of your control, would be nice, I can imagine my insurgent planet now So, continuing, if the answer to all this is "no" then what is this engineer class for? Because the only thing I can think of is sapping (blowing things up). Ok I'll recap all my questions in a list, I know Derek likes those. 1. Are there war dynamics (shifting of base control, to reduce repetitiveness) in BCM:G and will there be any in UC? 2. If so, can the bases be completely destroyed, as this would deaden a planet. (I ask this because if not, there would be no need to build bases, and control of them would be a lot like (the original) UT's domination mode, which I wouldn't mind.) 3. If the answer to 2 was yes, can you build them back? -in the same spot (ie just "repairing" the base)? or anywhere you choose? (building a new one, anywhere) 4. If the answer to 3 was no, then is the engineer for? Again, sorry for all the questions but it's a big subject, and many games have been devoted just on that one aspect, and it will just be a fraction of UC's gameplay Even if it had to be an addon with other suggestions (random missions, news, voice comm, etc.) Although it seems to me with current game dynamics this type of interaction (should) simply happen automatically, sans base building. If what I'm thinking is true, even if it's UT Domination style static base capturing, the War Dynamics will make me for an already great game. But if it's super duper war dynamics (building bases wherever you want), I'll be !! Thanks ahead of time to any informed pupils.
  6. quote: Asset switching is based on class and the commander career can't do it, because he has his own forces. I took in the "Commander career can't do it" literally, even though I'm new I can tell Derek is a very literal person when he says something. When he said "because he has his own forces." I figure where Derek is going with this is that the commander shouldn't have to go into a shuttle and drop off a set of marines because he has AI to do it for him, strings to pull so to speak. That is where my concern comes in, that even though he's got strings to pull it's still nice to have a change in pace from the bridge and go on an away team.
  7. Wait so no "Command jumps into a shuttle goes down to the planet surface then goes FP to look around" situations?
  8. Darn And yes, they stay put when they are on the surface, but they fly away when they jump if it's in orbit or moving in any way. F is also my usual "forward" key, so a lot of times I fly upwards accidentally...I'm a WSAD hater. But yeah, that drilling thing sounded cool
  9. Ok let me think, here's a table of what each designation does: Planetary Marine: Has skirmishes on planets and defends/attacks bases. Planetary Pilot: Same thing, except in the air. EF Marine: Same as marine, except he gets a jetpack and better weapons. EF Pilot: Pilot that can go into space too. Commander: can do all of that. (don't get me wrong, those are all fun I'm just simplifying the explanation for comparison purposes.) Space Marine: Waits around and hopes some action swings his way. Anybody else see a problem there? I mean, shouldn't he have magnetic boots or something to atleast wait around on a moving ship? IMO a ship would see more action than a station. (Of course I'm thinking of Galcom, which is in Secure space, I haven't travelled far and don't know how hectic bases can get, but even so. A space marine is something I'd see, even if he was stationed in 1, unmovable place, disarming mines and laying the stations own mines and heck maybe blowing up hazards like asteroids, killin other space marines, blowing up evac vehicles parked near the station/ship...commando stuff like that. And sorry if I am being critical, I in no way dislike the series SC, but I'm up there with everybody else that wants it to be the best
  10. Ok correct me if I'm wrong, because I played BCM at a friends house and only played for 1 night. In BCM (Gold) I played a lot of the classes, and a few of them seemed fun, and a few didn't. Space marine sounded awesome to me, the thing was, as a space marine you are TINY, and are very likely to see any action, the worse part is you have no ship. I mean, wouldn't a MARINE be on a battlecruiser and assigned missions as they came up? Sent in a shuttle to the mission if he was a regular marine or dropped off if he was a space marine. I mean, being a marine is cool and all but there's no way to get around! I don't know how to explain it better than that, how are you supposed to find action when your service doesn't provide you with the means to get to it. So my concern is this, in UC will your marine be stationed on a battlecruiser? Or if he's on a base, will he be lent a shuttle if he wants to transfer bases or something? (to get to a borderline base near some raiders or something) When I saw Battlecruiser the first time I imagined the marine as a "Wing Commander"ish lifestyle, you sat around (at the time I actually expected first person-ness INSIDE the battlecruiser. You sat around and waited for the red lights to start flashing, then you geared up and got into the shuttle bay and were driven to the mission, and then driven back (if you lived). Now I can live without that first person part (barely) but there's no point to a roam mode for a marine, he can't find action unless he STARTS there. Anyway, that's my $0.02 for the day. P.S. My GeForce 4 Ti 4400 recently died, and I have to RMA, during this time UC will most likely come out and I will be the first in line however I am stuck with a GeForce 2 MX till it comes back...will the GF2 run UC?
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