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  1. RT


    Ahah, I thought that would go unnoticed.
  2. Windows 7 ultimate, 64bits actually.
  3. Hey CharZinta, welcome aboard. To leave a vehicle, just press ctrl + e. I think that must be in the manual or in the keys document (press alt + D in game). ALso, you can remap most (all?) of the keys from the options (and believe me, that's a huge step forward from the previous games ). As for your x52, I'm not sure, my Thrustmaster's Cougar works actually fine, so I see little reason why the x52 wouldn't work, but eh. Do the Saytek HOTAS sticks come with an emulation mode? Btw, Sho and I are playing AAW from time to time (we got the full game, but I bet it wouldn't be too much trouble downloading the demo), so maybe we can set up a game together someday.
  4. Did you by chance dock with a station while there were intruders on board? In such a case, the station's security teams get you rid of them, but at an EP cost. Also, if you're TERR/MIL or EAR, you'll lose EPs when a friendly civilian ship is destroyed in your patrol zone.
  5. A damaged engine will reduce a craft's maximum altitude, did you check their engine status? Did you also try to get them back to space manually (getting your A/E on board) ? Also, from what I remember the egress altitude is calculated from sea level, but the craft's max altitude is dependant of its actual altitude, so you should be able to use mountains and high ground features to increase the craft's max altitude and try to get to egress altitude.
  6. Does getting back in then leaving the craft again fix the problem?
  7. My DVD drive just died on me when I tried reinstalling BCM:G. The CD is still in good shape, but I'll have to get a new drive untill I can help you sadly. Now I'm lucky most of my games are digital versions.
  8. I have BCMG but don't have much experience setting up private servers for it. I would be surprised if it was any different from UC though, so I'll check and try to make an easy step by step.
  9. There's been little activity lately, I guess it's not unrelated to holidays, but I think the sooner the better. All Insurgent personnel report in.
  10. http://www.3000ad.com/forum/index.php?show...amp;hl=engstrom
  11. 32 bits versions can only address 3.2GB, you need a 64bits version to use more than that.
  12. I'm only going to answer those I have some knowledge of. 1) I really have no clue about your problems. I often get damage to my decks when firefights erupt inside the CC, same goes when an intruder boards a FC/SC/OC and my marines try to take him out. Other than that, I've never had random damage for no reason. 2) From my own experience, there are a couple reasons why engineers won't do their job, namely radiations spreading all over the ship (in which case they'll get contaminated and rush to the medibay) or damaged life system systems. If one of the places they have to work in or travel through is linked to a damaged life system (I think there's something in the manual about what deck/room is linked with either the primary or auxiliary life support system), they wont be able to get there. 4) If I recall correctly, personnel tire faster when they have to do stuff, so I guess that applies to talking too. 5) The only way I know of to prevent intruders from boarding your ship is cloaking. If they can't target your ship, they can't board it. If they can target you, thye can board you. All that transporter codes seems just like RP stuff with no gameplay grounds. 6) I think missiles indeed go for the aft. 7) I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that missiles can explode both with direct impacts and when the target gets within the blast radius. Basically, the closer you are to the missile when it explodes, the more damage it deals. So a small target such as a fighter or ODS would rarely get hit directly, thus only a portion of the blast energy would affect them. Starstations are huge, the missile just can't miss, so it's always direct hits. 12) Personel get diseased when you beam them down on planets. I even got diseased personel on Earth. I'm not sure they spread their diseases to others once back on board, I always send them straight to the medibay. 15) Yes. With R.A.N.D.O.M
  13. From what I remember, capture towers were ment for some game mechanism that didn't get in eventually, so sadly you can't capture military bases. You can't capture planetary starbases either, only space stations.
  14. I'm not available untill Monday sadly.
  15. Btw please, if you have any meaningful criticism to do, post it over here, it's the thread about the video. I'm fine with the way the ship flies, it's newtonian mechanics with the engine and thrusters compensating as much as they can for the wanted trajectory.
  16. Installing BC2.0 on newer systems involves unpacking the installation file and setting the exes inside to compatibility mode. Still I don't think you'll get much further than canshow, nowadays drivers are often hardly backward compatible with the instructions used in those old games.
  17. Hack, sorry to let you down now Sho, but I'm struggling to stay awake. It's 2am already, and I had a tough day, I wont be able to attend the game tonight. 8PM EST definitely is a bit too late for me.
  18. Commodore Malori reporting!
  19. I'll be there, though I guess it's going to be just you and me Sho. Again.
  20. Yep. I used to play the game with a weaker e4400, 2gigs, g8800 GTS, it was all smooth.
  21. Actually if Ubi dropped the whole WW2 subs sims market, I'd expect Sonalyst Combat Simulations could take the lead. They've been making hardcore wodern ASW warfare sims for some times now, and really good ones at it. It should be noted that Sonalyst not only makes games but also software for real military applications. I didn't buy SH4 neither 5. I also wont buy anything from Ubisoft untill they show large improvements on their DRM scheme and will stick to Indie games and companies such as Stardock and SCS as I've been doing for a few years now. I mean, how many companies give their old games for free (like Derek does) ? Who still makes decent demos (which *really* give you a taste of what to expect from the full game) ? Who spends much time and effort fixing bugs and listening to the playerbase rather than rushing TheGameOfDoom:The Return 5 before xmas? Yeah, sorry Ubi, I used to love some of your games but it's over now.
  22. Best PC news ever? Certainly not if they make X-COM a FPS. Anyway, I doubt anyone manages to bring X-COM really back to life. It's like the fallout franchise: Fallout 3 was a decent game, but nowhere as close as 1 and 2. I have great fear about Elite IV as well. Don't try to revive the old games.
  23. Unluckily I doubt my connection is beefy or unused enough to host a permanent server. However, organizing some MP games might be possible.
  24. That's nice to hear! More fresh meat. So, who's going to jump on curson and try to recruit him?
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