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Going to be out of it for a few days


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Since our board is down (i can't get to it) I'll post this here

A family member was put in the hospital Friday Night, and since then he's been taken care of for the whole weekend

Call me nutz, call me crazy, heck call me stupid if you wish, But I've been up for over 72+ hour's STRAIGHT with no sleep

Now you're wondering WHO is in the hospital

I consider him a family member.. other will just think of him as a family pet, well this 'pet' has been with me ever since the forth grade and, quite frankly, he's been around a lot more than most of my family (in a since of presence that is) so I've come to treat him as a family member

My cat, Oliver, age 9.. has some type of an infection that, if I would've waited till saturday, he'd be dead by now.. but according to the doc he's ok but they won't know for sure until our reguler vet take's a look at him. Which will come today (it's 4:43 am right now)

Yes, I am very weak at the moment due to this 72+ sleepless nights. And trust me even my father think's it's exthreme, but I want to do this cause I won't sleep until he's ok and safe at home.. that's just me

Again, call me dumb people but that's how I am.. I will not let a family member no matter if there human or not

As for my Intelligence Duty's, Remo please get back to me on this. Marvin... I sent you a PM about the Marine Training.. I will do it, just give me some time please

Talk to you all in TS maybe, cause trust me after all this is over do not expect me to be on the board's for at least 72 hours, trust me I'm going to possibly pass out when this is over (happened once before, bound to happen again)

ttyl, wish my family luck

(SC, if this wasn't suppose to go here then sorry. Not getting any rest for 72 hour's kinda kill's the brain cell's if ya know what i mean)

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Sorry about that sir, didn't realize I hit the limit

I deleted about 70% of my PM's now, so I have room

Also, got some good news.. He survived the night problem is he is still not out of danger

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