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Cell Phone Jammers

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Tons of uses, restaurants, theaters etc. But...

One serious downside. Suppose you are in a restaurant and you are jamming and someone doesn't get that emergency call from a loved one.

Its one of those things that is 99% a good thing, but that 1% downside disturbs me.

I'd rather see restaurants post bouncers that throw out people when their phone rings. Then if its an emergency, they weren't going to stay anyway.

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There's bound to be instances where someone is going to miss that important call denoting the birth of a child or something important... I guess if your establishment blocks cell phone signals, you ought to have to put a notice up on the outside of the building. Just as a CYA measure.

But all in all it's not a bad idea for some establishments... movie theatres being a prime example.

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Cell phone jamm = lawsuit. If someone misses an important call and suffers damages because of their call being jammed, well then... Hmm... what's more important, your dinner, or the doctor on call.

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Not true. A movie theater and a restaurant are private property. They could check you at the door and confinscate your cell phone/beeper for the time you remained at the establishment and if you didn't like that they could tell you to "piss off."

Someone COULD sue. No way they'd win. Furthermore, to completly prevent a lawsuit the establishment would simply need to do what was stated earler....put up a few signs informing everyone of the jammers.

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Originally posted by Bandus:

Not true. A movie theater and a restaurant are private property. They could check you at the door and confinscate your cell phone/beeper for the time you remained at the establishment and if you didn't like that they could tell you to "piss off."

Someone COULD sue. No way they'd win. Furthermore, to completly prevent a lawsuit the establishment would simply need to do what was stated earler....put up a few signs informing everyone of the jammers.

Then the establishment would be in trouble with the FCC, as the FCC has banned the use of active Jammers.

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Only thing is... the FCC hasn't prosecuted a single case yet from my understanding... and I suppose that it wouldn't be hard to get the FCC to alter it's policy to restrict active jamming in public areas, and restrict usage to certain types of establishments, and set down guidelines for notifying guests about the presence of jamming equipment.

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To activelly jam a signal is illegal all over US, not just on public property. Also, trust me, since it's illegal, and anyone is caught jamming, prosecuting them and winning damages will be easy, in addition to personal damages there will also be criminal charges (duh, it's illegal to JAMM THE SIGNAL), the law is already in place and has been for a long time. It will be a shame though if something seriously wrong happens because of that important missed phone call, but there's no way around it, just let things take it's course.

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Not true. A movie theater and a restaurant are private property. They could check you at the door and confinscate your cell phone/beeper for the time you remained at the establishment and if you didn't like that they could tell you to "piss off."

Someone COULD sue. No way they'd win. Furthermore, to completly prevent a lawsuit the establishment would simply need to do what was stated earler....put up a few signs informing everyone of the jammers

The problem with Cell jammers: what about health workers? If you jam the movie theater and the local neurosurgen goes to see Return of the King how are they supposed to contact him? Some poor guy is wheeled into the ER with sever head trauma and needs immediate surgery but you have made the only doctor in town unavailable to help that patient. Hope you liked that popcorn, because it is now flavored with blood.

Food for thought,


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