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Enhancement request: Missions for Roam


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I was thinking about the random mission thing.

It is great about the ongoing battles with random starships. I often make up stories behind some battles in my head. (note to SC, I do really like the product)

The randomn mission is more something for the non-combat gamers. Like the Diplomat or Paramedic players.

PKing is always a difficult concept. In a game like BC... well it is "battle"-"cruiser" so combat is likely.

UO pking was out of hand and they lost my business (and my recommendation) over it.

Everquest made it a voluntary switch.

I personally prefer multiplayer co-operative style gaming. A lot of what I do in the world is to get people working together on a positive work. My competition is the forces of resistance (not always people) that are barriers to true success.

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Well, keep in mind that almost all the things you'll see in the game are randomly generated per the game's nueral(sp?) net AI. So, you really CAN have a big, randomly generated capital ship battle...in time.

Remember, the Gammulans have to have a REASON for hating you first...

EDIT: If I KNEW how to spell anything even close to "Nueral", I probably would've gotten it right

[ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: R_wilco ]

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I favour Brian1 ideas(and thats what it is an IDEA)...Not all of us are into Multiplayer games, due to not having the time to participate or have a decent connection necessary to play online with out darn lag creeping in.

He has just brought up an idea about on the fly generated missions, like in favourites like Elite/X-Tension and other Dynamic flight/space simulators.

It’s a good idea, and nothing is impossible with today’s talented coders out there.

Just sit back and wait and see..

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What would be involved in programming it is whether the script system can handle the following:

1) Activate on user input (hitting the alt-c)

2) clearing existing mission (a Y/N confirmation would be good)

3) ability to pull up statistics such as

- player race and caste

- list of star starports and bases

- affiliations of those starports/bases as friendly or enemy

- a randomn number generator

- ability to run nested case statement

- option: ability to pickup cargoes and/or guests

The race and caste move you through the nested case statement to a mission type generator. The mission type being selected by a random number fed into a case statement.

Another random case statement is then used to select one or more of the star ports.

The mission type would have an additional money and/or xp goal attached to it.

I don't know what the scripting system can handle now. Does anyone know which pieces would need to be added?

The only thing that really can't be hard coded in is the current affiliation of the ports and bases (as these change in captures).

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Script doesn't work this way. Download the BC3K GBS and peruse the documentation.

There is not much difference between BC3K GBS and BCM GBS-II.

What you folks are dreaming about will not become reality until BCO goes on-line.

So quit asking about it or for it - it ain't gonna happen the way you'll are dreaming.


[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Gallion ]

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