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Er... He might also be talking about forum avatars.

Get your pic. You should size it down to 48x48 pixels, because it's sized to that anyways. Save it as a jpg or gif.

Upload it to some webhost or file server place, and then head to the My Profile ┬╗ View/Update Profile page.

Scroll down to "Avatar Image", and hit "Select a different Avatar Image". It'll pop up a new window. At the bottom, you'll see "Use Custom URL:". Type the URL to your image in that box, and hit the "Set URL" button. Your avatar should appear in the top left corner of that box. If it's the way you want it, then hit "Select This Avatar" right underneath the Avatar pic.

Note you have to upload your avatar. You can't have a URL pointing to a file on your computer. Here's an example:

Good URL:



Bad URL:

C:My DocumentsMy Picturesavatar.gif

Hope I was of any help. If you've got any more questions, just ask; the Newbie Welcome Wagon is always free to help--unless I'm not.


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