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Bots! Thank you!


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One thing that has always bothered me about online games is lack of bots to fill in spots. Guildwars and DDO got it right with the ability to hire minions for group roles no one likes or for people who were missing.

Thank you for adding the ability to hire npc onto fireteams! Excellent move!

Does the game have pets?

Yes. Wait! Wot?!?! Pets? Absolutely not! However you can hire cloned marines who then act as your fireteam mates and sidekicks. You can give them basic orders but their primary role is to follow you into combat and defend you at all times. You can also use these clones to create your own fireteam if you don't want to join a fireteam of human players.


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NPC bots are a staple of all my games (even in AAW they were there and very effective) so so they will be in LOD but won't have any many advanced options as the bots in AAW since that is a much more complex game.

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