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The Saga Continues...

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Chavik transferred the controls to the flight officer. He'd had his little bit of fun. Please target the Tyrus-2 wormhole and proceed Mr. Myers.

"Sir? The navitron is repaired. I can simply plot a course to where ever we want to go."

"No," said Chavik, "Do it the old fashioned way for now. I need time to hear exactly how that Navitron got repaired and where you got the part from. Commander Woods, into my quarters please.

*RP* off: Referencing the new screenshot where the commander's quarters are behind the bridge


Mr. Myers sat scratching his head. Well there was only one way to do it. He brought the Mark2 to bear and they jumped to the Tyrus-2 wormhole. They slid through Lydam and here he was confronted with two wormholes. The trip to Chanis-1 had been interesting. Also a dead end. He turned back around and got the correct wormhole in Lydam this time. Two more jumps and they were back in Antis.

Meanwhile Chavik listened as Timothy Woods relayed the story about the shopping trip to Wraith HQ. Chavik simply shook his head. "Do you mean to tell me you risked crewmembers and this ship on this hairbrained scheme? Had one of you been captured or even lost your commlink badge they could have found our position. That was brash Mr. Woods. I won't give you a violation but it will be in your report."

They left Chavik's quarters and resumed their positions on the bridge. "We've arrived in Antis," reported Mr. Myers. "Shall I begin docking procedures?"

"No, there are some things I want to check out on Polaris-2. Please plot a course to there. We've all had a rough time of it and a trade run will serve as R&R as well."

Chavik went back to his quarters to wait on the arrival in the Polaris system. He had to bring something back to Rattler.


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The first mishap on the maiden voyage of the new GCV Swiftsure occurred less than a week out of the dockyard. While extensive testing of all the ships systems were done before the ship was commissioned, the engineers always missed something. Hence, for over a millennia ships conducted a 'shakedown cruise' to find and correct whatever the enormous amounts of tests missed.

All of the senior staff was present on the bridge for the most important event to date. For the past week, the ship had conducted trials and proving runs in the Moon region. So far, they had found nothing wrong with the ship. But all of them new they eventually would. They just hoped it wouldn't happen now. Once the final checks were complete, the ship was about to undergo something she had not undergone before. The activation of her hyperdrive.

While she was still under construction, engineers had run all kinds of simulations and tests on the hyperdrive. But as yet, it had never been used under operational conditions. If something went wrong with this test, it could be catastrophic for the ship and crew. More than one ship had been destroyed during the first jump to hyperspace.

Somerset looked across the bridge. All of them appeared to be as ready as they would ever be. Reaching to his console, he activated the ship-wide intercom. "Attention all hands, this is the Commander. All decks and divisions report readiness for the jump to hyperspace." He disconnected from the intercom, and waited for the reports to come in.

Turning from his station to face the Commander, Henry Allen stated "Flight ready for jump, sir." With that, he turned back to begin final checks and entered commands to take the ship to a velocity faster than light.

Still facing the main viewscreen, Hikaru Ishikawa made his report. "Navigation and Operations ready, sir." Somerset appreciated the way that Ishikawa stuck to his duties. It was the mark of a great Commander, something he was sure Ishikawa would be someday.

"Marine Operations to bridge. Ready for jump, sir." Major Nielson was a man of few words. Though he could have been on the bridge for this, he preferred to stay with his Marines. Somerset couldn't fault him for that.

From behind and to his left, Kamarov made his report "Tactical ready for whatever happens, sair." Even though he couldn't see the wily Russian, he knew there was a smirk on his face. Kamarov would make another good Commander for GalCom someday.

"Communications ready, sir." Jessica said, turning from her station and smiling at Somerset. Even though he new he shouldn't, Somerset smiled back. After what happened with his ex-wife he vowed to never get involved with a fellow officer again. Unfortunately, his resolve was teetering on the edge of collapse. And he came to the sudden realization that it would collapse, soon.

A few minutes passed. There was still one more to hear from. The most important one. Finally over the intercom, he heard Shawn O'Malley call "Engineering to bridge. All checks complete. Ready for jump on your command. Let's get this show on the road." From the tone of his voice, he could hear the smile in the Irishman's voice.

Soran turned from his post and reported "All decks and divisions report ready. We can jump at your command." With that, the first officer turned back to his station and finished securing systems for the jump.

"Very well. Like Shawn said: Let's get this show on the road. Mr. Ishikawa, plot us a course to the Moon. Mr. Allen, steady as she goes. Lay the course in once it's completed. Jessica," he said, accidentally using her first name, "send a message to Base 4, and inform them we're proceeding with the hyperdrive test."

All 3 of them said, "Aye, sir," and began performing their tasks. Soon, reports from them began coming in. "Course plotted." Ishikawa said, right before "Course laid in, sir," from Allen.

He waited for the reply from Jessica. And waited... Finally, he asked "Did you get a reply from Base 4?" She looked over at him and slowly shook her head. "No, sir. I sent the message 5 times, and received no reply. Diagnostics indicate that the comm system is fully functional."

"Well, it appears it isn't." Looking over at Ishikawa, he said "Where did you plot the course for, Hikaru?"

The Navigator replied "Base 4, sir. Why?"

"Because if we're having communications problems, that's the place to go. Good thing, or else I'd have you replot the course. Once we drop out of hyperspace, I want a Level 1 diagnostic on all communications systems. Internal, external, long and short range," he said. Their first problem, but at least it wasn't something that would destroy the ship. "Now, let's get moving. Mr. Allen," he said as he threw his hand forward, index finger pointing at the viewscreen "engage."

They watched as the forces spun up the jump anomaly ahead of them. The ship shot forward and entered the domain where objects could travel faster than light. "Jump successful, sir. All systems nominal." Soran reported. So far, so good. The Moon grew closer, and closer in the viewscreen. Soon, they were able to see the terminal end of the anomaly. "Dropping out of hyperspace." Allen reported, as the ship slowed to sublight speed.

"We should be within short range communications distance, sir." Jessica called from the comms post. "Attempting to contact Base 4. Base 4, this is the GCV Swiftsure, respond please. Base 4, this is the Swiftsure, respond please."

Suddenly over the Commlink they heard, "This is Base 4, Swiftsure. Go ahead." Jessica replied "We're having long range communications difficulties. Could you have some Comm techs beam up and assist us in locating the problem?" Quickly responding the Base replied "Techs on the way, Swiftsure. Base 4, out." With that, the connection closed.

"Somerset to Engineering. Part of the comm system is out. I want a Level 1 diagnostic and techs from the surface are beaming up to assist. Lt. Commander Michaelson, come to my ready room and report once you have the difficulties sorted out. Number One, you have the bridge." After completing his orders, Somerset headed into the ready room, got himself a cup of Earl Grey, and began to wait. Now what would he say when Jessica reported to him....



Cmdr. Benjamin Somerset

GCV Swiftsure

ICQ 32545391

"Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us."

-Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV

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It had been several hours since the Swiftsure had arrived overhead Base 4, and began repairs on the long-range communication system. Somerset had finally completed the mass of paperwork that seemed to plague all Commanders, and sat down on the sofa with a book. Even though it was the 31st century, there were still some companies that published actual books and not an electronic variety. At the moment, he was reading War and Remembrance. A 2947 print from Alpha Centauri. Though far from his most prized book, he enjoyed this novel a great deal.

About 75 pages into the book, he heard the door chime. "Come," he said without even looking up from the book. Jessica walked in, and stood in front of Somerset.

"You wanted to know when we completed the diagnostics and repairs, sir." She said.

Motioning to one of the wingback chairs in the sitting area, he said "Yes. Please, take a seat. Would you like something to drink?" Always playing the host.

"Some iced tea would be nice, thank you," she said as he walked over to the servitor and retrieved iced tea for her, and another cup of Earl Grey for himself. Handing her the drink, he took his own and sat down. "You know, I haven't eaten. Would you mind discussing this over dinner?" The moment he finished saying it, Somerset was taken aback with himself. Blatantly asking a female senior officer to dinner. And the one with which he had shared such a passionate kiss less than a week before. He couldn't help himself.

Smiling at the Commander and taking a sip of her tea, Jessica replied, "I'd like that very much. What should we have?" leaving the decision of what to eat up to him.

"I've got the perfect thing," he said smiling back. "We can have dinner in my cabin," suggesting an intimate dinner for 2, instead of eating in the Officer's Mess where they could be seen by others.

"Of course," she said smiling. They both stood up, and as they left the room, they felt their hands brush. It felt like a surge of electricity went through the room. Not knowing who really took the initiative, they held hands across the bridge all the way to the Commander's quarters.

Once they were in his cabin, Somerset pressed the call button for his SD-5 Servant Droid. As the droid came in and said "Yes, Commander. What can I do for you?" Somerset said, "Bring me veal parmesan for 2. And a good cabernet. The '88, I believe." The droid bowed down slightly and said, "Yes, Commander. It will be attended to immediately."

After the dinner, Jessica complimented the good food. She didn't realize it was from Somerset's private stock of real food. They were both feeling the minor effects of the cabernet. Soon after, they were both sitting on the couch next to one another drinking coffee. The talk drifted from subject to subject, never once touching on the failed comm system. The two were almost in each other's arms, lips drifting closer, and closer together...when the Commlink beeped.

Extremely annoyed, Somerset tapped his badge, acknowledging the call. "Somerset here, what is it?" letting the annoyance seep into his words.

"This is Soran, Commander. We are recieving a Level 4 message for your eyes only. Shall I send it to the terminal in your cabin, or will you take it on the bridge?" Sometimes, the first officer had the worst sense of timing... Looking over at Jessica, he said "I'll take it in here."

"Understood. Soran out," the first officer said, severing the connection. He walked over and activated the terminal, inputting his command codes to view the transmission. "This had better be good..." he said under his breath. He wanted to go back to the couch and pick up where he left off, but he had to attend to his duty first. As the message scrolled down, an eyebrow raised and he said "What the hell?" He ran the message back, and started to read it again.

---------Begin Transmission---------

To: Commander Benjamin A. Somerset, CO GCV Swiftsure

Fr: Strategic Commander Thomas Masterson, Prime FleetOps

Su: TDY Assignment

As of this date the GCV Swiftsure is detached from GalCom Prime Fleet on TDY to GalCom Wraith Fleet. You will proceed with all due haste to Wraith HQ. There you will recieve your new orders from Fleet Commander Daniel Londono.

Strategic Commander Thomas Masterson

Prime FleetOps

----------End Transmission----------

Somerset sat stunned. Detached from Prime and transferred to Wraith...? He wondered what was going on. Jessica saw the stunned expression and walked over to him asking "What's wrong?" She put her hands on his shoulders as she read the message, and couldn't believe what the message said either. Perhaps Wraith had lost a few too many ships during the recent conflict with the Gammulans. Placing her head alongside his, she said "Dearest, there must be a reason for this."

He looked at her, deep into her eyes. "I wish you'd call me that more often," smiling at her "dearest...it's got a nice ring to it." He was going to comment further, but her lips met his before he could say anything.

After a few minutes, the kiss broke. "Oh, hell. We've gotta get moving," he said, tapping his commbadge "Somerset to bridge, set course for Wraith HQ best possible speed. And call a briefing of the senior staff immediately."

"I better be going." Jessica said to him, heading for the door. Before she got out, he grabbed her arm and twirled her around. After giving her another deep kiss, he asked "Breakfast tomorrow, dearest?"

She smiled and told him "Of course. But I've got to get ready for that briefing, since we never did get around to discussing the comm system," as she headed out the door.

"No, we didn't..." Somerset said as he headed back to the terminal and acknowledged the message, confirming their new orders. Under him, he could feel the massive hyperdrive engines spinning up, sending the Swiftsure toward Wraith HQ. What would happen when they got there, he knew not.


Well, the Swiftsure is now part of Wraith Fleet, albeit temporarily.

*neglected to alter his sig appropriately*


Cmdr. Benjamin Somerset

GCV Swiftsure

TDY Wraith Fleet

ICQ 32545391

"Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us."

-Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV

[This message has been edited by Ben Somerset (edited 06-11-99).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like alot's been going on here... err well maybe it just looks that way because I was gone for so long... I'm going to have to make another post and cover some of this time that's gone by... I'll do that when I have more time on my hands. Gotta sleep now

By the way Ben, you sound a little Star Trekkish there smile.gif

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Somerset sat down at the head of the table in the briefing room after all the senior staff had assembled. As always, Soran sat to his right, and Kamarov to his left. After that, were Allen and Ishikawa, Pierce and Nielson, and at the opposite end, O'Malley and Jessica. 'She looks so pretty...' Somerset thought, before bringing himself back to the reason for the meeting. "Status, everyone?" he asked.

At his side Kamarov said, "No enemy activity in the area. Advance reports indicate a safe journey all the way to Wraith HQ." Somerset was pleased that they wouldn't have to deal with any 'unpleasant' situations on the way to Wraith.

Ishikawa looked at Somerset and said "We are on course, and should arrive there in 1.2 hours, present speed. Operations are running normally." The Operations officer was definitely good at his job.

It was now Allen's turn. "It appears to be smooth sailing all the way, sir. The ship is handling perfectly." The words of an experienced pilot, Somerset thought.

Nielson was next in line. "I've been running standard exercises to integrate the new Marine's we picked up. So far, they've been going well." The Marine never did talk much, just pointed out what needed to be said.

Pierce, one of Somerset's oldest friends looked at him. "Ben," he was also one of the only people aboard who could use his first name, "I haven't even had a single patient in sickbay since we left GHQ. Not a bruise, hangover, not anything." Even though he had known the Doctor for such a long time, Somerset was still amused by the Southern twang in his voice.

O'Malley turned from looking at the Doctor, to looking at the Commander. "Engineering is fine, siar. I haven't seen a ship as well put together as this one. We haven't had anythin' wrong, other than that trouble with the Communications system."

Smiling at the Commander, Jessica made her report. "We found out what the problem with the Communication system was. The long range transmitter failed. The techs at Base 4 identified it as a bad set of transmitters put out by the factory. It was recalled, but the engineers put it the unit in before the recall was issued. The defective unit was pulled, and replaced. Communications are fully restored." 'So that's what it was...' Somerset thought. They had been...distracted...and he hadn't found out what was wrong with the Comms system.

"Good," the Commander said. "Now, I'm going to tell you why I've called this briefing." Pressing a switch on the table, Somerset activated the holoimager placed in the center of the table. On it, showed the message Somerset had received from FleetOps. "We've been placed on TDY to Wraith Fleet. I don't know why, or for how long. Since we're going to be close to the Gammulan border, we need to be ready for anything. When I find out what's going on, I'll inform you. Dismissed." With that, he ended the meeting. All the officers filed out of the room, except for Jessica. She walked over to the viewports, and looked out of them at the stars. Somerset walked up behind, and wrapped his arms around her. He placed his head on her shoulder, and they looked out at the stars, together.



Cmdr. Benjamin Somerset

GCV Swiftsure

TDY Wraith Fleet

ICQ 32545391

"Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us."

-Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV

[This message has been edited by Ben Somerset (edited 06-29-99).]

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They stayed that way until Somerset heard the intercom chime. [Commander to the bridge.] he heard Soran say.

"Mmmm...I'd rather stay here..." he heard Jessica murmur.

"So would I..." he said as he tapped his commbadge. "On my way, Soran. Somerset, out."

In front of him, he heard Jessica say "Not quite yet," as she turned around and kissed him. Somerset wasn't about to complain.

Finally, the kiss broke, and they headed off to the bridge. When they arrived, both of them were all business. "Report." Somerset called.

As Soran relinquished the command chair, he said "We are now approaching Wraith HQ, and should arrive in 4 minutes," as he crossed the bridge to his station.

Watching as the station loomed larger and larger in the viewscreen, Somerset ordered "Henry, slow to 500 kps. Jessica, please open a channel to the station and request docking clearance."

"Slowing to 500 kps, sir." Allen reported as the ship began to decelerate.

"We've been cleared for docking at bay 6, sir. The station says that the Fleet Commander wants to see you as soon as we dock." Jessica said from Comms.

"Very well." Somerset replied, thinking 'He sure doesn't waste any time, does he?' Meeting the Fleet Commander was going to be interesting...

"Approaching bay 6. Slowing to 20 kps, and beginning docking procedures." Allen said, pressing a few buttons, then saying "Docking control handed over to Wraith HQ." Feeling a soft bump, the crew could tell that they had docked with the station. Allen said "Docking completed."

From Nav, Ishikawa reported "Moorings activated. Initiating gravitational and external support. All systems standing by." After that remark, Somerset saw all the system displays go from the standard green 'Online' to the yellow 'Standby' and in a few cases the red 'Offline.'

Pressing the shipwide comm button, Somerset's voice went throughout the ship [All hands, this is the Commander. We have arrived at Wraith HQ. Liberty is granted for all departments, check with department heads for the rotation. Somerset, out.]

Standing up, Somerset said to Soran "You have the bridge, Number One," as he headed toward the airlock. Once on the station, he really didn't pay much attention to anything until he ended up at the Fleet Commander's office. Looking at the YD-114 Yeoman Droid, he said "I'm Commander Somerset, here to see the Fleet Commander."

The droid looked at him and said "Yes, Commander. Go right in. The Fleet Commander is expecting you."

The doors parted and Somerset walked up to the Fleet Commander, and stood to attention. "Commander Benjamin Somerset, reporting as ordered, sir."



Cmdr. Benjamin Somerset

GCV Swiftsure

Prime Fleet

TDY Wraith Fleet

ICQ 32545391

"Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us."

-Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV

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"At ease Commander" was the first thing Somerset heard, "welcome to Wraith HQ"

The Fleet Commander gestured Somerset to take a seat. As both men sat down, Tac took a Datapad from his desk.

"Somerset, Benjamin" he read, "skipper of the recently de-commisioned cruiser 'GCV Swiftsure', currently stationed on the new Galactan class 'GCV Swiftsure'" Tac glanced up to the veteran commander in front of him "lucky you" he said with a smile before returning to the datapad, "participated in several of the most important and dangerous Galcom recon missions known to this date... yada yada... Ronus Patrol Group... yada.." Tac stopped to breath, then dropped the datapad back on the desk.

"In short, a most impressive resume for the skipper of a Starcruiser. Your resume, your profile and your naval record seems to be unique... which is why I had a chat with Strategic Commander Masterson about you," Tac stopped in mid-sentence, looked around his desk; frowned; looked under his desk, cursed under his breath, and finally looked up at the bewildered Commander.

"Forgive me Commander, I seem to have misplaced something I intended to show you. I will have my first officer deliver it to your ship after this meeting, she has to brief you in it." the Fleet Commander straightened his uniform and settled back into his seat.

"In any case, Strategic Commander Masterson agreed with me and allowed Wraith Fleet to 'borrow' your services." Tac noticed Somerset had not said a word, he just sat there, patiently waiting. 'Good' Tac thought, 'he really is cut out for this assignment'.

The Fleet Commander handed Somerset a datapad. "Commander, you are officially requested to take command of the newly formed S.I.N. Wing. That datapad holds all info relevant to your new command. You are free to turn it down of course, in which case you would return to Prime Fleet with no strings attached... and you'd owe me a box of Credian Champagne." Tac smiled.

A woman walked in, saluted and handed the Fleet Commander a datapad. "You left this on the bridge Sir" she said with a grin.

"Commander Somerset, this is Lieutenant Commander Maia Kurazawa, my first officer."

"Somerset? Of the Swiftsure?" the Lt. Cmdr. said with a smile forming on her face.

Before Tac could say anything, the silent Commander replied...


Well, there you go Ben! I tried to make it so that you could say all you wanted at the end... its your show now :-).

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I am long overdue posting thisso without further adieu the adventure continues


The Refit: Revisited

Three days had turned into a week. One week had stretched to two. Two weeks of being cooped up within the bowels of Wraith-HQ and its ever nagging Commander, Fleet Commander Londono, alias Tac (an oxymoron would be more accurate). I now remember why Gammulan space seems so peaceful and so serene. There is no brass, no formalities, and no technicalities to contend with. It is just the ship and the Gams. The relationship is simple, death of one when either are sighted.

The refit of the Graf Spee was going well. Well enough that the dreamers of this scheme, Chief Engineer, Lt. Cmdr. Monitgue Scott and Research Engineer, Lt. Cmdr. LeFevre, had come to the conclusion that the GCV Graf Spee's refit was complete and that she was ready to conduct space trails. The new Sensor Equipment Systems (SES) worked well enough; still had some calibration to due in that area along with antenna issues. That was not my real problem. Aside from the constant interruptions by, station security forces, station logistics, and the ever-insipid Ft. Cmdr. Londono the refit had come to a halt. What had caused the halt was a much a story as the side issues that caused numerous interruptions to my rest and recuperation from operations stemming during and from the First Gammulan War.

First problem I had to contend with (aside from getting necessary parts, resources, and materials to begin this ambitious project) was Gunny York. It seems that the old Marine had a run in with the station's security forces. The Gunny had tied on a good one shortly after Corsair finally returned from deployment deep within Gammulan space during the First Gammulan War. As usual and true to the ancient Marine tradition, Gunny York was not one to waste time whilst on liberty. He got the Graf Spee's Marine contingent ready for liberty. Those Marines on the fecal material-list had the honor of maintain ship security while the Gunny and the rest of the Marines went on liberty. Finding an establishment that catered to Gunny's gullet was not a problem. It became a problem when my Marines trashed that establishment, Tobassco Charlie's, and were forcibly removed from its premises. Gunny York somehow managed to lose the rest of the Marines during the confusion surrounding the fist-a-cuff before the Wraith security forces arrived. All the Marines, with the exception of Gunnery Sergeant York were thrown in the station's brig. Gunny staggered through the station's many passageways and bounced off many bulkheads in search of a spirit that would quench the growing thirst of his gullet. The only thing York found was more trouble. It seems that he staggered into the path of several thieves that were fleeing from the scene of their crime; the station's Battlecruiser replacement parts issue section. As events latter reveled, if the inebriated Marine had been somewhat on the sober side he would've been able foil their scheme. But as Murphy would have it, the only thing the Gunny York managed to do was to get steamrolled by the thieves as they made their escape. Pinning their illegal parts requisition crime on the Graf Spee and me (mental note: find The Deer and thank him for the resulting comedy show. Tac's expression was most memorable; it definitely was a Kodak moment). It seems, per Wraith SOP, the station security forces arrived too late to catch the thieves but not too late to apprehend Gunny and reunite him with the rest of his beloved Marines in the station's Brig.

The second problem I had, after getting my Marines out of the station's Brig, was my new Fleet Commander. It seems that the powers that be deep within the bowels of GALCOM-HQ got a wild hair up their arse and started promoting people left and right. Fleet Leader Londono was promoted to Fleet Commander, along with several other deserving GALCOM officers throughout the fleet after the narrow victory over the Gammulan invading forces. Ever since I managed to convince him to authorize the Graf Spee's refit, Ft. Cmdr. Londono has been a thorn in my side. He always wanted progress and status reports on the refit. I told him, "it'll be ready when its ready and not before". It seems that Tac does not like to hear that. Too bad the truth hurts. It is not like the cost of the Graf Spee's refit was coming out of his or Wraith Fleet's pocket. The damn project has already cost me 1.81 billion GalCreds. A Galactan Class Battlecruiser is not small and I have been measuring the amount of paint needed to complete the job by counting the number transport vessels required to supply this endeavor.

The last, but not final I am sure, of my problems has been the paint job itself. Something within the Titanium-V armor molecular structure will not let the stealth coating adhere to or bond with it. We had no problem applying the stealth coating to two IC, SH, ATV, and Mining Drones. Heck the gooey stuff even stayed stuck on five modified LR Probes. I am getting ahead of myself. The entire ship was coated with the stealth coating in about two days by an army of station's System Engineers (mental note, relay thanks to Tac for the plethora of SEs). Everything looked ok when we launched the Graf Spee to conduct initial shakedown cruise. As soon as the Graf Spee escaped from the planet's shadow and was exposed to the photon storm of Rinaal's sun, the stealth coating began to peel away from the armor plating like the fall leaves blowing in a wind. All the time, all the work, all the effort, all the material, and most significant to my wallet - all that money was blown. The flat-black coating peeled away to reveal the shinny smoothness inherent of Titanium-V Armor plating. Needless to say that portion of the Graf Spee's refit was an utter fiasco. The stealth coating applied to the eight support craft and 5 LR probes worked like a charm. We were completely baffled for several days as to why the stealth coating would not bond with the Graf Spee's T-V armor plating. There was talk, that I found to be quite unacceptable, of retrofitting the armor plate back to original specifications; Titanium-I. How many Vagrants would it take to get to the center of a Galactan Battlecruiser with T-I armor? I asked. How long would we last in Gam-land with that pitiful shell protecting the Graf Spee' most vital resource; her crew? I further stated to Scott and LeFevre. Finally, after much debate, they saw the light and buried themselves in finding a solution. After several days, many false starts and failed attempts, the solution was simple. It was so simple that everyone discounted and overlooked it. The solution was the difference between Titanium-I and Titanium-V at the molecular level. Once that was understood, modifications were made to the secret recipe and the new and improved stealth coating was applied onto a test plate of T-V. The test was a success, the stealth coating maintained its bond with the T-5 armor plate in ever-conceivable atmospheric and extraterrestrial condition that could be thought up or ever tried. The only thing that could disturb the bonding was actual damage T-V armor plating will take in combat. That is if the newly installed Linear-IV/S shields were ever breached. Ahhhh...I love it when a plan finally comes together. Before the Graf Spee could receive a new coat of Stealth paint, major modifications had to be made to some areas of the Battlecruiser's exterior facade. A plethora of right angles and sharp edges had to be smoothed over and rounded out. Some areas were easy; others were difficult, while a few areas nothing could be done - notably the engine pylons and solar array/stabilizer fins. Once again, an army of station SE swarmed over, around, and through Docking Bay 13 to get the Graf Spee's refit complete. Ft. Cmdr. Londono had been most instrumental in deverting the SEs from other priority projects that abounded throughout Wraith station. I get the impression that it is time for the Graf Spee to leave. I had to bail Gunny and his Marine cohorts out from the Brig again just the other day (mental note: Gunny will scrub the bilges for this. I wonder what is so special about this Tobassco Charlie's?

I wonder what all the hubbub is about over at Docking Bay 6? I mused as returned to the Graf Spee from the Fleet Comms office. I can't wait to get out here. A mission as filtered down through the chain. A mission no other commander wants or would take unless at the point of an IOD in their face. It was a simple mission. One right up Corsair's alley and that would validate the troubles and trials of the Graf Spee's refit. We are going home, so-to-speak. Back to the land down under. Where Gammulans flow and we get to blow asunder. Back to Gam-land and report back to ISS-HQ in Sol. 'Tis a simple task. One that a Corsair would never pass.



Cmdr Gallion

GCV-Graf Spee, Corsair Wing

Wraith Fleet

[This message has been edited by Gallion (edited 07-06-99).]

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Thanks, Tac! I think I can take it from here. smile.gif



A woman walked in, saluted and handed the Fleet Commander a datapad. "You left this on the bridge Sir" she said with a grin.

"Commander Somerset, this is Lieutenant Commander Maia Kurazawa, my first officer."

"Somerset? Of the Swiftsure?" the Lt. Cmdr. said with a smile forming on her face.

Before Tac could say anything, the silent Commander replied...


Yes, I'm Commander Somerset of the Swiftsure. Why do you ask?" he said in his thick British accent.

Though neither of them could really tell, Somerset was surprised. In less than a month, he had gone from a mere Starcruiser Commander, fought in a war with the Gamms, lost his ship, gotten a new one, and had just found out he was now being given command of a Wing in Wraith Fleet. What was it he had said...SIN Wing? It had been a hectic month and a half, but somehow, he never felt the shock and surprise that most people would. And most important to him of all, he had found Jessica. Someone so wonderful, whom he had served with for almost a year with nothing happening. He had found her very attractive from the day she had come aboard, but he never did anything about it until a few weeks ago.

Ever since his divorce with Alyssa, Somerset was very wary about love, and the emotional baggage that usually came with it. He knew what could happen with two people aboard the same ship, who were involved. If things went poorly, ships efficiency dropped. It was obvious when Somerset's marriage with Alyssa started to fall apart. To everyone except him. Command had captured almost all of his attention, and left no time for her. He spent more time on the bridge, and in his ready room, than he did with his wife. The first time Somerset learned about it, was when she handed him the divorce papers, and left their cabin in tears. After that, she left the ship, and eventually, left the GalCom Military.

For years afterward, Somerset blamed her for what had happened. She never told him that she wasn't happy, hadn't made any sign that something was wrong with the marriage. It took him over two years to realize what had been wrong. Him. Then was when he decided he wouldn't get involved with a woman under his command. He virtually wrote off women altogether. Until Jessica came along. Suddenly, those rules, and decisions he had made, fell by the wayside. A word from Lt. Cmdr. Kurazawa woke Somerset from his reverie.

"So you know Hikaru? Hikaru Ishikawa?" she asked with a questioning look in her eyes. She knew that he served aboard the Swiftsure with a Commander Somerset, but that was a Starcruiser. This Commander Somerset arrived on a Galactan Battlecruiser. There was the possibility that there were more than one Commander Somerset in GalCom.

Somerset's eyebrow furrowed, wondering just who this woman was. "Yes, yes I do. He's my Nav/Ops Officer. Do you know him?"

"We went to the Academy together, and got assigned to the same ship for our first tour of duty. So, he's here?" she said with a smile. The prospect of seeing Hikaru again brought a light into her eyes.

"He is. He'll be on the second liberty rotation, if you want to see him." Somerset said succinctly. He could see in her eyes that she wanted to see him. Whether it was romantically or not, he didn't know. And Hikaru probably wouldn't say anything about it, if it were. Not to Somerset, at least. He didn't know if Kurazawa would discuss those sorts of things with her Commander, either.

"Thank you, sir. If there's nothing else, Fleet Commander...?" she said. It appeared that she wanted to leave in a hurry.

"No, Maia. That's all." Londono said, waving his hand to send her off. The woman turned with a slight smile and left the office.

Londono looked at Somerset, and said "By the way, most people call me Tac. It's alot easier to handle than 'Fleet Commander Daniel Londono.' So, what do you think of my offer, Ben? I may call you Ben?" he said with a slight chuckle and grin.

"Of course. If you're going to be my new CO, a first name basis is appropriate." Somerset said simply.

"Can I take that as a yes?" Tac asked.

The Commanders record was exemplary. He hadn't been lying, either. The 'old' Swiftsure had been to some of the most dangerous places any GalCom ship could ever venture. Reconnaissance was a difficult assignment, even without going to the places no GalCom ship ever went to uncloaked, and came back alive to tell about it. They had gone on missions to Spectre, seen the Insurgent headquarters looming mere kilometers off their bow. As if that were dangerous enough...Prime Fleet had even sent them on missions to Gamma-1. On more than one occasion. Spectre wasn't a pleasant place to go, but Gammula Starstation was worse. Enemy ships on almost every vector, Stormcarriers sitting within a half kilometer of the Swiftsure. If the cloak had ever failed, within seconds the ship would have been a flaming piece of wreckage. Dangerous... Tac didn't know the half of it. But they had made it back, alive, and in one piece every single time. Other GalCom ships had left to do some reconnaissance in one of the more dangerous regions, and they never came back. The Gamms weren't known for taking prisoners, either. Even with all the risk, the crew of the Swiftsure was good at what they did. Intelligence gathering wasn't an easy job, and they seemed to do it better than everyone else. Or, so Somerset, and apparently Tac as well, had been told.

Looking the Fleet Commander in the eye, Somerset made one of those 'command decisions'. "Yes," he told Tac. If they were going to be creating a Wing whose primary task would be recon, they were going to need a good teacher. Unless they had experience themselves. Hopefully, they would. It would be easier than trying to train from scratch, but Somerset knew that for a few, they would have no experience. Evidently, GalCom had decided he was the man to teach them. He promised himself then, that they would not regret their decision. "If there's nothing else, sir, I'd like to take this datapad back to the ship, and get started looking at it. There's probably alot that needs to be done to get the Wing up and running."

"Actually, Ben, there isn't. SIN Wing is operational, it just needed a Commander. I hadn't found anyone suited for the job, until I looked over your record. You and your ship will fit the bill exactly." Tac said. Seemed like he had done most of the hard work. Now, it would be up to Somerset to see that they did what they were supposed to do, and do it well.

"Thank you, sir. With your permission...?" he said, pointing toward the door.

Tac looked over, and grinned. "Of course, you're dismissed. Report to me when you're ready to set up and begin training exercises. With all the defenses around here, Wraith would probably be a good place to start."

"Aye, sir. I'll keep that in mind." Somerset said, as he rose from his chair and went out the door.

A wry grin came onto the Commanders face, as he headed toward Docking Bay 6, and the Swiftsure. "Wait until Jess hears about this..."


Cmdr. Benjamin Somerset

GCV Swiftsure

Prime Fleet

TDY Wraith Fleet, SIN Wing

ICQ 32545391

"Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us."

-Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV

[This message has been edited by Ben Somerset (edited 07-06-99).]

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