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Everything posted by Korivak

  1. Today was the first real day of winter here in Ottawa. Freezing winds, drifting snow and all that jazz. There was a snowplow in the ditch on the Queensway and all secondary roads were closed. The snow in the driveway was knee deep, the snowbank at the end of the driveway was waist high thick packed snow. I'm 6 feet tall, just to give you an idea of what knee deep and waist high mean. There was, and this is a pretty major thing for Ottawa, a snowday at school, so i enjoyed a fairly typical Canadian Snow Day...ie spent half the time i gained from not having to go to school shoveling the driveway. There are now snowbanks 3 to 5 feet high and 5 feet deep the entire length of both sides of the driveway, and it's not even January yet...where am i gonna put the rest of the year's snow? So, the five dollar question of the day is: aren't you glad you don't live in Ottawa? Florida looks pretty nice now, eh SC? Unless you are one of the ppl, like me, who loves winter anyways...in which case, it's all good. ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ (Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "Honour is what no man can give you, and no man can take away"
  2. Just one more reason to not touch AOL with a ten foot pole... BTW, my dad (while not exactly a computer junky/expert like myself, he was smart enough to get off AOL years ago) tells me that getting off AOL is like getting off hard drugs...the best way to do it is to cancel, then rip up the credit card and switch to a different credit card company. I've seen and used FREE products that were far better than AOL... ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ (Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "Honour is what no man can give you, and no man can take away"
  3. True, you can avoid bad (winter) driving conditions by living somewhere without winter, but why would you want to do that? The trick is to relize that you have to drive for the conditions...slow down, be careful, and if worst comes to worst, just get off the road until a snowplow comes by. (Notice the address to the left...coldest national capital in the world...even colder than Moscow, man.) ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ (Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "Honour is what no man can give you, and no man can take away"
  4. 56%, 91% and 81% on water, other, and land respectivly...depressing that i died three times in twenty minutes. BC Unbreakable! You are the commander of a Battlecruiser. While on patrol, you are suddenly attacked while unprepared. Do you: 1)Head for a jump point as fast as possible 2)Calmly raise shields and weapons systems and fight to the death 3)Turn the comm over to the Helmsmen and run to the shuttle bay You are boarded. Do you: 1)Go hunt down the intruders yourself 2)Turn of launch control and send 10 marines to hunt them down 3)Put all 40 marines on patrol and shout panicked orders to them from the bridge Your ship's reactor is damaged. Do you: 1)Ignore it until the area is secure, then deal with it 2)Imediatly leave the region for repairs 3)Prepare to evacute, staying with the ship until everyone else has been evacuated You are about to evacuate. Do you: 1)Pull the co-pilot out of an IC and take his place 2)Get on a shuttle or ATV 3)Use the transporter You have crash landed on an unihabited moon deep in enemy territory. Do you: 1)Kill yourself to prevent capture 2)Broadcast an SOS throughout the region 3)Quietly moniter the region until a friendly ship appears, then send an SOS You have run out of air and nutripacks while stuck on the moon. While you have died, there are Unbreakable traits in you: [insert traits here] ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ (Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "Honour is what no man can give you, and no man can take away"
  5. Interesting how sci-fi has predicted most of the stuff happening today, eh? Stuff happening in Earth orbit, cloning, computers, exploring the other planets in the solar system, the internet, ASOASF...makes you wonder about the rest of the stuff that is still sci-fi and not yet science fact. How long until we live in a cyberpunk wreck or a star trek tech utopia? Or until we have a GALCOM in real life? or AI? Or widespread cybernetics? All these things that writers invented over the decades are starting to show up in real life. And some of the stuff we have today is far above and beyond what writers where dreaming of even two decades ago. In _Neuromancer_, someone is killed over three megs of RAM. It's a keychain today, but when the book was written 15 years ago, it was a big number. In Alien, the computer 'mother' filled a small room and had a small monochrome screen. Today, my friend and i play high end computer games in the hall at school on spare with a laptop the size of mother's keyboard. And as i write this post, i am devoting more processor power than existed in the whole world in the fifties to playing some MP3's in the background. Makes you wonder what's gonna happen next if this much has changed in so little time, and the rate of change keeps increasing so fast. ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ (Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "Honour is what no man can give you, and no man can take away"
  6. The Canadian federal election late last month went smoothly...only took a day, 130 seats for Liberals (harmless flaming idiots), 36 for Alliance (dangerous fascist flaming idiots), 15 each for NDP (idealistic, weak flaming idiots) and BQ (bitter, unhappy, seperatist flaming idiots). You should try more than two parties and ditching the electorial collage...or switching to something that works, like aristocrisy. Just my $0.02 Canadian (penny-and-a-half US) ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ (Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "Honour is what no man can give you, and no man can take away"
  7. 1) School 2) Relationship 3) Working on my website 4) Installing, setting up, and learning Linux 5) Planning a major, long overdue system upgrade 6) Playing computer games that are unfortunetly not BCM 7) Eating, sleeping and other things to ensure the continuation of my metabolic fuctions ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ (Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "Honour is what no man can give you, and no man can take away"
  8. Suggestion for Defence Wing Motto: "My courage is my armour, my honour is my shield, my conviction is my sword." Feel free to play around with different attributes. You may also want to use the American spellings of 'armour' and 'honour'. [Later] Except, now that I've looked at how you spelled 'Honour', I realize that you're from Australia, and use the English spelling anyways...so never mind. [Later still] And Commander Zwycky is from England, so the English vs American spelling issue is completely moot...bonus! ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ (Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "Honour is what no man can give you, and no man can take away" [This message has been edited by Korivak (edited 11-23-2000).] [This message has been edited by Korivak (edited 11-23-2000).]
  9. Back. Saw some deer, couldn't get any shots...next year, i guess. It's nice to have luxuries like electricity, central heating, insulated walls without gaping holes in them, phones, bathrooms...
  10. Suprisingly enough, I do have a life outside of computers...imagine that . See you all next week! ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ(Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "What is the motto (if any) for Defence Wing?"
  11. Just the other day, I started planning a surface attack on an Insurgent base on the moon ([RP] Insurgents...buncha cowardly traitors spewing slop about freedom while they attack stability and peace...[/RP]), then had to get up to do some chores for my mom...then I sat back down, sent my shuttles and IC's down to kick ass and chew bubble gum...then relized that I had forgotten to wait for the marines to load into the shuttles. Four shuttles without marines; four ATV's without drivers...and after all the time i spent laying down all those waypoints (with TACOPS on HOLD, of course...Murphy's Law et al). I'm suprised the 40 locked and loaded marines didn't mutiny against the Commander who couldn't be trusted to shoot himself in the foot and has to have someone else do it for him... ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ(Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "What is the motto (if any) for Defence Wing?"
  12. For Cmdr Dilvorn: [RP] Commander Korivak, reporting for duty, sir. A few questions, if I may, sir? What is the motto, if any, for Defence Wing? I wish to request assignment to Flight Group Sol, pending your approval. When will I know what my commissioned asset will be? Thank you, sir. [/RP] ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ(Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "What is the motto (if any) for Defence Wing?" [This message has been edited by Korivak (edited 11-16-2000).]
  13. Or compressed links... ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ(Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "What is the motto (if any) for Defence Wing?"
  14. Testing... ------------------ Commander Markus Korivak GCV Norfolk (pending commission), ISSHQ(Saturn) ISS, Defense Wing ISS Fleet Defence Wing GCV Norfolk "What is the motto (if any) for Defence Wing?"
  15. LOL, SC. You sound like a Canadian...there's hope for you yet... Korivak
  16. Just a quick note: I'm going to be deer hunting Friday (Nov 17) through Wednesday (Nov 22) and won't be able to check email or Commlink (seeing as how I'll be camping in a gas-lit, wood-heated, off-the-power-grid single room cabin or a tree stand most of the time), so I'd like to have an answer as to if I'm in the Fleet or not before I leave Friday evening...not essential, but it would be nice. Also, check out my BC website, gcv-norfolk.iwarp.com. I've only spent about thirty minutes on it so far, but I'll be adding more over time. [RP] I'm looking forward to serving the ISS to the best of my ability. I'm been reading up on the history of the fleet and the officers, and I would be proud to serve alongside you all. I also volunteer myself for any fleet duties that officers wish to delegate out. If I may speak frankly, some of you are wearing so many different 'hats' that I'm surprised your necks don't break. I've enjoyed my scrap of time off after the GCV Independence disaster, but it's time to get back on to the bridge of a ship again, and hopefully in the big seat this time, not just as Tac Officer. Awaiting ordersKorivak out. [/RP] Korivak Commander, GCV Norfolk GCV Norfolk, CO Korivak [This message has been edited by Korivak (edited 11-14-2000).]
  17. Well, I'm not offically in yet...but I hope to be soon... Korivak Commander, GCV Norfolk
  18. Name: Markus Korivak Real Name: Matt DeBarth Email: [email protected] / [email protected] ICQ Number (UIN): 42171414 Name of Vessel: GCV Norfolk Rank: Commander Physical Description: Tall and almost ridiculously thin (6'1", 125 lbs). Thick black hair kept short, heavy eyebrow (meets in the middle), heavy facial bone structure, small black goatee and piercing blue eyes make him look slightly creepy, but smiles easily and often when comfortable. Quiet, reserved, and a bit of a misanthrope, but always fair and kind. Wears simple black clothes while off duty. Moves with speed, purpose, and silence. Has a habit of pacing and bouncing his knee, and can often be found walking from one end of the ship to the other, which he jokingly refers to as "long distance pacing". Is rarely serious, being sarcastic and light hearted at any chance, but when the situation is critical, he goes about fixing it with hardly any display of doubt, panic, or indecision. Beliefs, Values, and Morals: Largely agnostic, strongly against highly organized religion, but lives by the ancient Pagan law known as the Wiccan Reed, "An it hurt none, do what you will" (the 'An' is not a typo for 'and', it means 'If'). Values logic, reason and efficacy, but also strongly values a human side of things, and is friendly and kind at all times. He hates corruption, suppression of a nation of people, rebellion without cause, and random violence, making him a diligent warrior against Raiders, Gammulans, the Insurgents, and all other enemies of Earth and GALCOM (in that order). Dedicates his life to the military because he feels that it is the best way to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, maintain order, and improve the lives of those around him. Values creativity and humour, impatient with people who take things too seriously. History: Lived on Earth for most of his early life, taking occasional trips to other planets and systems, but always returning to Earth because he felt the most at home there. Joined GALCOM in 3002 for the reasons listed above. Served as Tactical Officer aboard the GCV Independence until it was attacked and severely damaged by Insurgents, resulting in the death of, amongst many others, the Commander. In the panic that followed, Korivak quickly organized the crew and began to create a desperate plan. As the Insurgent forces moved in on the crippled Battlecruiser, attempting a capture, Korivak disabled the only remaining PTA turret, lowered the shields to a mere fraction of its already diminished power, and ordered the Chief Engineer to randomly disable systems to create the illusion that they were even more crippled. Then, he led a squad of Marines who carried an OTS warhead across the entire length and height of the ship to the shuttle bay and loaded it into the least damaged shuttle. A single Marine remained to pilot the shuttle. Korivak then ran back to the bridge just in time to enact his plan. As a single Insurgent Cruiser broke away from the main group to tractor the Independence, Korivak made his move. When the cruiser lowered its shields, he raised his shields as high as they would go and started firing at the Insurgent's bridge with the last turret, and at the same time the shuttle launched and flew towards the waiting Insurgents a short distance away at full afterburner. The shuttle was torn apart by PTA fire, but not before the OTS went off right in front of the Insurgents. With all the Insurgent ships damaged and surprised, Korivak was able to limp off to the jump point before they had recovered and regrouped. A desperate cat and mouse chase across half a quadrant ensued, with the Independence always a few critical seconds ahead of the Insurgents. At one point, the Independence had to land on a small asteroid for a few hours to repair the leaking reactor and a damaged engine while hostiles scoured the area. When Korivak and the small group of injured, radiated survivors finally made it back to GALCOM space, he received a hero's welcome which he didn't enjoy for several reasons, including injuries, mourning for the majority of the crew of the Independence, and a general dislike for large crowds and overly serious situations. GALCOM offered him command of the GCV Independence II and a battle fleet to support her, but Korivak respectfully declined, having never liked the front lines before and especially disliking it now. Korivak recommended the Independence's Flight Officer, who had also proven himself in the long, dangerous voyage home. Korivak them put in an application to ISS Fleet, Defence Wing. Benefits and Faults: B1: Gets along with most of the crew because of his laid back, humorous nature. Never gives orders, just suggestions that are followed out of respect. Always fair and kind. F1: Some of the crew and several of his superiors dislike his style of leadership, his slight impatience with pointless politics, and his shy, misanthropic personality. B2: Intelligent, creative, and calm. Never panics. F2: Appears aloof, weak, and cold to some. B3: Loves Earth, defending her from attacks from criminals, Insurgents, and enemy infiltrators. Doesn't mind staying at home and defending while others are out on conquests. F3: No longer has the stomach for heavy combat deep within enemy territory. Will follow orders if needed, but would rather avoid casualties and possible death. B4: Incorruptible defender of the innocent. F4: Feels mercy for Insurgents and enemy races when they are not actively attacking him. Wishes that he didn't have to fight and kill them, but he does have to, so he does it anyways. Strongly against attacking civilian populations and using more force than is necessary to disarm and weaken the enemy. What is your speciality? Defensive Patrols, Captured Starstation Defence, OTS Tactics Which Wing do you wish to join? Defence Wing Closing Comments: Looking forward to playing with ISS... Korivak Commander, GCV Norfolk [This message has been edited by Korivak (edited 11-14-2000).] [This message has been edited by Korivak (edited 11-14-2000).]
  19. I bought BC3K a while back and play it in spurts every now and then, and now that BCM is just around the corner, I thought that I should work myself into the community now rather than during the rush when BCM is released. I've been looking at the different fleets and was thinking about doing something different and fun, like being a merc or an explorer, just for the role playing challenge, but then I looked at ISS's website and saw the emphisis on RPing there. I'll get back to you after 'talking' to my character in my head for a bit (I'm a writer in my spare time, and I always feel that I'm recording what has already happened more than creating it) and seeing what he (or possibly she) is like. I'm already thinking about Defense, but if I come up with a cool speciality, I may try out for Tactical Support. Looking forward to the Fleet Multiplayer bit, something that will push the already cool BC3K into a whole new breed of cool. Korivak Commander, GCV Norfolk
  20. I like Korono's method...what it lacks in subtlty it more than makes up for in brute force. I mean, why risk your pilots, marines, ICs and ATVs when you can just use your multimillion dollar, top-of-the-line Battlecruiser like some kind of IC on horse steriods Korivak
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