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Daniel Sedlacek

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Everything posted by Daniel Sedlacek

  1. Oooooooh baby... Thats some sweet stuff. Hopefully in another month or so, we'll have that sweet, sweet demo on our HD's. Well, at least I've stopped getting the urge to watch the Halo movie every couple of minutes. ------------------ Commander Daniel Sedlacek GCV Millennium ISS16 Tactical Support Wing - ISS Fleet ISS Homepage Hazardous Conduct Homepage "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  2. I think I'll keep an eye on my droids when anyone from Intel shows up... ------------------ Commander Daniel Sedlacek GCV Millennium ISS16 Tactical Support Wing - ISS Fleet ISS Homepage Hazardous Conduct Homepage "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  3. [RP] 0910 March 16, 3008 GCV Millennium The doors to engineering slide open, and Daniel steps in, observing the rather chaotic nature of the room. He spots his Chief Engineer sitting at his console, glaring at the repair techs. "Madness, complete madness..." he mumbles under his breath, looking up to Daniel as he approaches. Daniel looks around once more, sighing deeply, "I'm almost afraid to ask but... how are things going, chief?" Logan just shakes his head, "I'll kill every last one of them if I have to re-wire anything," he hisses. "It's bad enough that they won't install it properly, but its another thing entirely when they won't follow my orders." Daniel raises his eyebrows, "Why won't they do that, Chief?" "The head technician over at the base ordered it, seeing how they think it'll get done quicker and more efficiently..." Logan watches as a few techs walk by, lugging around one of the new shield capacitors on a hovercart. "I swear, anymore stress and I'll..." Daniel raises his hand to silence the thought, he puts his hand on the Chief's shoulder, "Don't worry chief. I'm sure they'll do a good job." Logan stands up from his perch at his console, "I don't know about that Commander," he replies. "Come on, Chief, lets get away from this hazard zone and go get ourselves something to eat. I'm starving." Logan nods, "Yeah, I guess I could go for some breakfast." The two walk through the doors to engineering, "What do you think they'll be serving in the mess?" "Forget the mess, the base probably has better food." The doors slide shut, and Daniel makes a left, heading for the airlock. A few crewmen scuttle down the hallway, comming and going from the station, using the downtime to get some food, rest, and relaxation before the next mission. Logan and Daniel step through the airlock and onto the base's docking area, taking a look around. The large room seems to be quite busy with marines standing gaurd, techs hauling equipment, and dock workers transfering cargo. "Now this is a bit more like it," Daniel says, noting the luxuriously wide corridors, "If I were claustrophobic, I'd keel over and die the second I stepped onto the Millennium." Logan nods in agreement, and the two walk along the corridor, glancing out the large viewports revealing the speckled white backdrop of outer space. The two move on, finding a small little establishment that serves breakfast and drinks. They both take a seat, and begin to talk about anything and everything. Anything other than work. [/RP] Sorry I haven't posted lately, just got out of school, been relaxing the past week, to recoop from school . My dad has to go to some job training thing in Charlotte, NC, so I'll be out of town for about a week, give or take a day. See everyone later! ------------------ Commander Daniel Sedlacek GCV Millennium ISS16 Tactical Support Wing - ISS Fleet ISS Homepage Hazardous Conduct Homepage "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  4. I wish I could have a FTL internet connection. The new Half-Life patch was released today, and every single download site on the net has got to be overflowing with people! It's pure madness... oh well. 50 bytes down, 27.1 megs to go... [This message has been edited by Daniel Sedlacek (edited 06-08-2000).]
  5. So your saying, for example, a person born at say... 8:30 AM is in one universe. The Quantum Theory thing states that there are universes where the guy was born at 7:59 AM, 8:31 AM, 8:32 AM, and so on and so forth? If so, it's no wonder the dang universe is constantly expanding, or else it'd get pretty crowded over here! I bet theres even a seperate universe where we never had this discussion about discussing Quantum Theory.... I need to go lie down... ------------------ Commander Daniel Sedlacek GCV Millennium ISS16 Tactical Support Wing - ISS Fleet ISS Homepage Hazardous Conduct Homepage "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  6. NOOOOOOOOO! I was enjoying Thief, Thief 2, and Sys Shock 2! I was hoping they'd start a new engine from scratch and do some kind of modern Thief-type game! That sucks. Why did they close down? Money?
  7. [rp] 0834 March 16, 3008 GCV Millennium Staring across from the black ebony table in the conference room, Daniel listens to one Ensign Michael Clark as he pleads his case for a transfer. Fifth one so far, I guess most of these people would rather be working out of the Sol System rather than in it, he thinks to himself. That or they won't think they'll get as far in their careers as they'd like too.Daniel really had no idea how the whole hierarchy went in ISS, but he'd adjust. He just can't help but wonder why these few crewmen couldn't. He'd managed to get a good nights rest before all these conferences had been started, weeding out the people that don't want to be here, seeing how he had no real right to keep them here if they didn't want to be. Still, the procedings have done nothing but further sap up most of his remaining energy. Still, five out of more than a hundred isn't as bad as he thought it would be. "Thank you, Mr. Clark. I'd advise you to reconsider transfer though, the only thing really changing around here is our fleet designation, but if your admant about transfering, I suppose I can't stop you." "Yes, sir. Thank you for your time." The Ensign replies, snapping off a quick salute before leaving. As the door slides behind him, Daniel drops the data pad in front of him, rubbing his eyes, "Oh well," he mutters to himself, "It could be worse." He sighs and turns to a small speaker installed to his right, "Commander, we have a transmission from Commander Zwycky." Ahhh, finally a familiar face, Daniel thinks. "Good, put it through to the conference room." "Aye sir." Daniel turns in his seat, adjusting his uniform, only to see Ben's face pop up on one of the monitors, he smiles, and listens as Ben utters out some of the most confusing words he's ever heard. ÔÇ£Ahoj Daniele! Jak se mas? Bylo to moc dlouhe.ÔÇØ Daniel smiles sheepishly, pressing a button next to the monitor discretely to pull up a translation: 'Hi Daniel! How are you? ItÔÇÖs been too long.' Daniel presses another button to have the translator output his speech into Czech. "I'm doing alright for now, Ben. I've had about fifty decks worth of paperwork to sift through but I'm doing fine. It's been awhile, but how are you doing?" Heheheh... he thinks slyly, This little translator trick always worked on him in High School. He chuckles inwardly remembering when he put the translator on 'Binary' and watched as Ben had to decipher a rather long stream of one's and zero's for about a minute before he realized that the commlink was working just fine. ÔÇ£No, dobre. Souhlasim, bylo to daleko moc dlouhe. Jak se vede?ÔÇØ Daniel looks at the translator quickly, 'Yes, fine. I agree, itÔÇÖs been far too long. HowÔÇÖs life?' "Life is fine, no thanks to your cursed paperwork. How about you?" ÔÇ£Zivot je dobry momentalne. Co jsi delal?ÔÇØ Translation: 'LifeÔÇÖs good at the moment. What have you been up to?' "I'm ankle deep in transfer papers, but other than that, I'm up to absolutely and relatively nothing. I'd ask what your up to but it's probably not much better off than what I'm doing..." Ben smiles, "Well, right now I'm in the process of sueing a drink manufacturer for putting an illegal additive in my orange juice." Daniel winces, "I hope it was poison, for their sake." Ben shakes his head, "Actually, it was artificial sweetener." Daniel nods, "Mmmmhmmm... now your the Director of what in this fleet?" Ben laughs lightly, "Just the CIOPS Directorate of Training and Administration. Your point?" Daniel shakes his head, "Just asking, I thought you'd have something better to do, you know, super secret stuff. Rather than getting upset that your orange juice is sweeter than normal." Daniel listens as the small speaker next to him beeps again, "Commander, Crewman Shepard is here to see you." Daniel presses a button on the speaker, "I'll be with him in a minute." He turns back to the monitor, "Ben, I've gotta go, this is the last appointment on my list for today, so I should be free around 0930. Feel free to give me a ring and we can meet somewhere if your not too busy. Ben nods, "Alright, if I'm not busy I'll be sure to page you. By the way, how are the upgrades comming?" "Slowly," Daniel adds, "My engineer wants to do it this way, and the technicians from the station want to do it that way. Progress is being made though." Ben nods, "Just thought I'd make a note of it. Well, I guess I'll see you around." Daniel nods, "Yeah, but knowing me, I'll be seeing you a lot sooner than you think." Ben nods, "I'll be sure to change the access codes on all of my doors... Zwycky out." Ben's face disappears from the monitor, Daniel sighs, feeling a bit of renewed strength. He presses a button on the speaker, "Send him in." The doors part, and in steps in Crewmen Shepard. Here we go again. ---------------------------------- 0907 March 16, 3008 GCV Millennium Engineering looks about as bad as if a OTS missile had detonated inside it. Deck platings had been torn off the wall, circuits laying on the floor, tools scattered about, and Logan Ross was in the center of it, "They say no one can hear you scream in space..." he growls, "I just might prove that to be wrong." Logan looks around the chaos. The technicians have said that they only were going to upgrade the shields and weapons, they never said anything about tearing up half the ship to do it. In his almost 21 years in service, he never heard of destroying half of a ship in order to upgrade a system. The station's technicians, having exercised their 'authority' on this operation, have practically slowed down the whole replacement operation by forty-five percent. And to make matters worse, they had sent in their newest batch of engineers! So Logan has had relatively no choice but to sit back and watch them rip his engine room to pieces. "By the time they're finished, I'll have to take it all apart and install these things the RIGHT way." He grumbles to himself, watching helplessly as one of the technicians drops a laser torch on the floor and accidently welds one of the loose bulkhead plates onto the floor. Logan covers his eyes, It's going to be a long day,he thinks with breathless anticipation. [/rp] Hope I played Ben's part right. And, in case you were wondering, I tossed in the last little entry just to let everyone know how the repairs are going. Will Logan grab an assault rifle and go postal on the technicians? Will Daniel ever be done with those interviews? Will Ben ever get a good glass of orange juice?! Stay tuned... ------------------ Commander Daniel Sedlacek GCV Millennium ISS16 Tactical Support Wing - ISS Fleet ISS Homepage Hazardous Conduct Homepage "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  8. Here is my entry into this already lenghty thread, hope it's not too late to join! [RP] The door to the lounge opened with a silent swish, and Daniel Sedlacek stepped in, sauntering his way over to a chair in a corner. His ship, the Millennium had just put into the Orion stations a few minutes ago to have some cargo offloaded. Apparently, from some of the reports he's been reading, things are heating up in the Procyon region. His latest orders from ISS Command has had him running supplies to and fro the entire Sol system. Along the way of his last cargo run, the Millennium was ordered to escort a convoy of MRT-15's, carrying some very valuable cargo. Convoy duties were never Daniel's specialty, adding to his already monotonous schedule of running errands for ISS Command. And seeing how warships aren't designed for cargo space, his docking schedule for the supply runs are nearly doubled that of what a standard transport has to make, due to the Constellation-class Battlecruiser's small cargo holds. I've been cramped up in my ship too much, Daniel thinks to himself. At least I'll have a few hours off of it while they handle the off loading. He looks around the bar quietly before cupping his hands over his eyes, attempting to supress a yawn. Unless new orders arrive... [/rp] Whew! It took me a good while to read all the posts on this thread. Very good stuff, I say we all put our collective heads together and write a huge BC3k novel! ------------------ Commander Daniel Sedlacek GCV Millennium ISS16 Tactical Support Wing - ISS Fleet ISS Homepage Hazardous Conduct Homepage "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  9. *In Mr. Burns fashion* Excellent... ------------------ Commander Daniel Sedlacek GCV Millennium ISS16 Tactical Support Wing - ISS Fleet ISS Homepage Hazardous Conduct Homepage "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  10. N/P Ben, I believe I'll have to hold off on posting, as I seem to see, reading all of the times on everyone elses posts, that I've gotten ahead of myself! If it needs to be changed, I'll gladly do so, but otherwise, I'll just wait for everyone to get caught up. ------------------ Commander Daniel Sedlacek GCV Millennium ISS16 Tactical Support Wing - ISS Fleet ISS Homepage Hazardous Conduct Homepage "The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  11. Will stats be optional to servers? As in, we have a server that just doesn't have stats at all. Might make the server admins job a bit easier...
  12. Hmmm, if memory serves me right, won't one of the upcomming BC Games (don't remember which one) let us use MCV's to build our very own bases/spacestations? I must say, I can hardly wait for this feature as well, this'll be like a blend of every single genre in gaming by the time its done.
  13. I think limiting the use on the SRU would be a good idea, or else it would be no fun, you know, with people popping in and out all the time. On the issue of limiting the Galaxy... it might be a good idea. When BCM comes out, I plan on finding out how well my computer could act as a server (which probably won't be that well, but I might as well try) by maybe holding an RP server, where some Commanders would log on, and explore around. But lets say we're all scattered throughout the sector. Now, thats no fun at all! First, I'd have to find someone, then waste fuel to get to wherever they are. But with the restriction 'option', I could say, limit the game to a few regions, that way, it would be easier to find your buddy and fly over to his ship for perhaps a dinner banquet, or maybe a friendly get together. And, although I am unsure, this might take some strain off of the servers end, so another bonus to us that don't have a T1 and a 1GHz computer. Just giving my 2 cents.
  14. I just hope this stupid K6-2 366 doesn't ruin my experience. But September is plenty of time to save up for a new Athlon. All I'll need is a toilet, and a fridge in my room, and I'll never even have to leave the computer!
  15. I can't exactly put it in to any better words other than I am very sorry for what has happened. If you need anything, I believe I speak for everyone when I say that we'd be glad to help out. Take care, Daniel Sedlacek
  16. At long last, I have decided to just go ahead and publish what I have written. I became semi-fluent in FrontPage, made a place to hold my novel, and stuck it up on my free web-hosting space. I sincerely apologize that I haven't gotten this up sooner, but I was waiting for it to be approved first, but since I realized I could very easily just make the changes when the head cheeses told me what was wrong, I've decided to put it up. After all, my free web space was just sitting there anyways . Here it is. My E-Mail is on the main page, so if there are any questions/comments/changes/etc. that need to be made, I'll go right ahead and make them. Thanks to everyone who helped me out at the start. I hope you enjoy it, if not for the characters, but for the writing. [This message has been edited by Daniel Sedlacek (edited 04-12-2000).] [This message has been edited by Daniel Sedlacek (edited 04-12-2000).]
  17. Yeeesh, Dinosaurs I'll be 16 in July.
  18. Cool, under this set-up, all I'd have to is mow the lawn once or twice a month, and my online account is paid for. Sweet...
  19. The music sounds great, the guitar sequences are marvelous. But where exactly does this music fit in? Is it playing in the background during our game? Or is it the intro-sequence in the beginning? Keep those tracks commin'!
  20. Wow. But just you folks wait, when we're able to build our own bases on planets, moons, asteroids, etc. with one of the BC releases (forgot if it was 2020 or Millennium), I'll build a base so big, you won't be able to take it out. Mwhahahah! I hope we can record short movies in BC:M, becuase I'll find a way to take out that base without getting killed, by golly, I'll find a way. Man, when I saw the shots, my mouth started to water, or maybe it was the See's Candy I was munching on. Mmmmm.... candy. I'm suprised I didn't start to cry, because those screens are some serious eyecandy. And we only need a P2 266 minimum to run this thing? I'll save up for a new processor just in case...
  21. I finally got off my lazy butt and d/ld Quicktime 4 (for like the 5th time, why can't you just d/ld the actual install program instead of one that d/ls it for you?), and the shots looks very tasty. I'm glad I invested in a G400. Now, I was wondering how fast a processor I would need to get smooth framerates when playing BC:M, the G400 is fast, but a fast processor is also a must. Or is it? Right now, I'm on a K6-2 3D 400 MHz (clocked at 366 mhz because I don't have the correct jumper settings for my motherboard, thank you very much Tiger Computers), will I get good, smooth frames with this? How fast are is the comp used to take the screens? Also, will the Strike Pak use any bump-mapping? I'm trying to figure out what you could bump map on the inside of a battlecruiser... hmmm...
  22. Not bad. From the screens, I assume we'll still be using the tacops from BC3K? Not that theres anything wrong with that, in fact, I'm just now getting more used to using TacOps in BC3k, and sometimes change can be a bad thing Got my G400 yesterday, save some money for a few months and by a decent processor (Athlon) and I'll be all set. Mwhahahah!
  23. It's taken a bit longer than I expected, but I'm about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way done. Currently, my little story is 16 pages long in MSWord format. Once I finish writing it, I still have to proofread all of it, and add/cut out things that I don't like. When I have proofread, etc, do I need to send it in to someone to get it approved, help me revise parts, take parts out that don't mesh with BC3k, etc? Thanks!
  24. Bah, does loading those screens require a special plugin? I keep getting a blank page after the screen has loaded. Oh well, the thumbnails look real cool. I went ahead and got a G400 32MB (at a good price), should be in my box next week. It'll feel good to get a new card into my box, I still have an old Pure3D in my comp. The G400 seems like an excellent card, in addition to the bump-mapping. I'm still a little fuzzy as to what it will do in the game, could someone please explain it to me? I can't tell much of a difference between the regular shots and the G400 ones (at least until I can look at the full screens). I find irony in this. The name of the game: Battlecruiser Millennium. The name of the Card: Matrox Millennium G400. The name of my ship: Millennium. Oh yeah, I'm ready for this game! I just hope I can pick my ship class to the old class 1 battlecruisers so my ship can also be correct (my ship is a Constellation class BC, don't know which one it'll translate to in BC:M). Well, countdown till summer is about 5 months, I'll be waiting with breathless anticipation until then...
  25. Horray! The screen shots look cool, I think I'll purchase a G400 instead of a TNT2 now. I just hope that they've released new drivers to enhance OpenGL performance...
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