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Trial by Fire

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Ok I'll get started join in whenever you feel comfortable.


Jackson looked out the window as the lift hurtled towards it's destination, he was worried, his career had been a long and distinguished one, starting out in the marine corps he had fought successfully in many campaigns and had lost many comrades and to many friends, when his promotion came through to Commander he had once again been involved with many conflicts from full size battles involving upwards of twenty captiol craft to one on one brawls with ships of all calibre......But recently he had been uneasy the last encounter had not gone well, out gunned two to one by Insurgents he had only barely managed to get his ship and his crew home. The Andromeda had been in dry dock for over a week now getting some much needed repairs but now the repairs were almost complete and he was looking forward to some relaxing recon mission. This was not to be however...... the call from Command had awoken him, recently he had not been getting enough sleep, old age he kept telling himself. He had quickly dressed and eaten and met the lootenant at the elevator as he was ordered but as he was doing so a sense of dread filled his body and now as the lift neared its destination his uneasyness rose, fourty years he had served the military and now he believed his career should end, he had a good crew and his first officer Smith was a good man the crew respected him and he had shown a flair for command but he refused to take the command chair from Jackson, Jackson Knew it would take either his retirement or his death to get Smyth to take command.

The lift stopped and the doors hissed open the young officer ushered him inside, Jackson strode in cap under his arm. Across the Room another new face greeted Jackson, the new operations commander recently promoted, the post had been offered to Jackson but he had turned it down he wanted to end his career on the command deck of a ship not behind a desk in command.

"Commander", The OC's voice sounded shrill and lacked an air of confidence, "I am Commander Akira Calise, I have a new assignment for the Andromeda.", He never rose from his seat as he spoke and never looked up from the screen on his desk this made Jackson a little uneasy, he continued without waiting for a reply.

"The Andromeda will deliver a marine squad and equipment to a designated location," he handed a sealed envolope to Jackson marked TOP SECRET, "Your full orders are in there the usually drill, your dismissed!"

Jackson looked at the envolope and then back and the OC, "With respect Sir, I have put a request for my retirement from the armed forces I was told when I returned I had run my last mission I am scheduled for retirement in a month, and the Andromeda will not be ready for departure for another three at least there must be another ship that can do a Marine drop."

"I'm afraid not!", the voice from behind was immediatly recognised by Jackson he spun on his Heel to see Fleet Commander Gallion emerge from the elevator,"But Sir....!", Jackson started. "No Buts Jackson", Gallion replied cutting him off, This mission is top priority the repairs on the Andromeda have been put on Priority 1, she will be ready to leave in two hours, this DROP is deep in insurgent space we need someone we can trust and that is you!"

Jackson Grudginly accepted, he Saluted turned saluted the OC and entered the elevator......as the elevator sank to the Docking ring his fear grew in his throat......... Two hours latter the Andromeda newly repaired left Wraith HQ destination unknown with some new cargo.....

[ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Emmett.hendrick ]

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Guest Mikel

I will assume that you've "borrowed" me.



Nimitz was sitting in his chair as he went through some paperwork. Sometimes, I wonder why I took this job, he thought to himself. Putting his pen down, he leaned back slightly and scanned his sparse office. It was barren compared to most people's offices. Rubbing his eyes, he reminded himself why he had taken this job.

Without warning a slight beeping came from the communit on his desk. Muttering to himself, he looked down at it. It was a priority message to him. The contents were simple, "Reach GCV-Andromeda located at Wraith HQ within the hour by any means possible."

Sighing slighty to himself, he turned everything off and, before going through the door, took one last look at his office, before he shut and locked the door. "What do you have to do? Grab your travel bag, write a note to my CO explaining what I am doing, and then grab a shuttle.

It took him a half hour, but he was heading to Wraith HQ along with a few others...


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welcome aboard marine here we go.....


As soon as the Andromeda had cleared dock, Jackson ordered course set for insurgent space, he flicked on the Perscan on his console all crew present and accounted for the new marines led by Sargeant Nimitz "Defcon" Adams were safely aboard and showed as in quarters probably stowing their gear, a quick flick through the rest of the ships systems revealed that the Andromeda had also picked up some extra cargo, what was that about time to find out.

"lieutenant Smyth report to my ready room and request Sargeant Adams joins us" Jackson barked as he rose from his chair and headed for his quarters.

Smyth turned back to face the bridgeviewer, stars hurtled by on the screen as the Andromeda jumped into hyperspace heading for the first jump gate on way to her destination. Turning to LT shields he said, "Shields call Sargeant Adams and request his presence in the commanders quarters, I'm leaving the bridge in your command till we return."

"Yes sir," Shields reply startled him even though he didn't expect her not to reply his mind was wandering a little and he did not know why, snapping back to reality he straightened himself up and headed after the commander.

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Guest Mikel




The transfer had gone nice and smooth, as expected. Nimitz had expected to be called by the Commander, as sometimes happened, so didn't get too comfortable. He dropped his bag off in the NCO quarters and watched the rest of the men get bunked down. As he watched them, he noticed that they were all PFCs to Gunny Sergeants that had at least 4 years of service. "I bet it's a Spec ops," he thought to himself.

He received the call he was waiting for, that the Commander was requesting his presence. Straighting out his uniform, making sure it was all correct, and also checking to see that his pistol was ready along with it's ammo, he headed for the Commander's quarters.


Here we go! Seems like it's going to be a slightly bumpy ride

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I think bumpy will be an understatement.


Jackson looked up from his Desk as Sargeant Adams entered his office, "Ah Sargeant, Welcome aboard this is my 1st office LT James Smyth, please sit down."

The sargeant took his place on the remaining seat in front of Jackson's desk and Jackson began, he lifted the envolope from his desk and broke the seal on the flap, carefully removing the documents inside, then he read.

A painfull five minutes passed, Smyth was uneasy, he knew the commander was scheduled for retirement he also knew that for him to be given this assignement it must be important.......but the Andromeda was supposed to be assigned recon after their last mission this redirection made him uneasy. He watched his commander read down the orders in front of him. Finally Jackson spoke.

"Alright Gentlemen, I'm sure you want to know so I won't keep you waiting, the Andromeda is to travel to Tau Ceti and DELIVER a bomb to the Insurgent colony on the North West seaboard. The device will be guarded and set by your detachment of Marines Sargeant." he paused, "The device is to be detonated inside the HQ of the installation, which means we are going to have to get in REAL close on this one."

He Stood up and Handed a small brown sealed envolope to Adams, "These are the bombs setup and arm codes, the usuall drill memorize and destroy them, turning slightly in his chair he flick the Comm switch on his desk, "Bridge change course, head for Tau Ceti best possible speed." Flicking the com switch off he turned to face the two officers.

"James, I want regular battle drills run until we reach the Tau Ceti system, this one could be rough, to do it right we won't be able to risk cloaking till just before we orbit the planet. ANY QUESTIONS"

Both Smyth and Adams indicated no response, "Very well, DISMISSED"

As both men rose from their chairs the Hyperdrive growled into live as the Andromeda headed on course for TAU CETI.

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Guest Mikel



Nimitz went down to his quarters, his mind swirling with thoughts. After locking himself in his room, he carefully reviewed the information, memorizing the relevent parts. He was only moderatly okay with demolitions, infact, there were probably three or four people that could do demolitions much better then him.

Putting the information in a safe, Nimitz got out a portable computer from his bag and started noting information and started going through the personnal files of the marines here. Questions zipped through his head and his mind was swirling. Taking a deep breath and releasing it, he cleared his mind and worked only on the relevant information. There was a knocking on his door and Nimitz moved over to see who it was....


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Smyth left the commanders quarters taking a copy of the current orders with him, returning to his quarters he read through the orders again, something wasn't right rising from his desk he walked down the corridor, Wandering he found himself in the marine barricks area, he found Sargeant Adams quarters and he knocked on the door. after a few moments the sargeant opened the door, Greeting Smyth he invited him in.

Smyth stood in the Sargeant's quarters looking around he commented to himself that the room was extremely functional and that was probably the best he could say about it. He turned to face Adams as he retook his seat,"This mission worries me Sargeant, I have been reviewing the orders, the drop is into the largest insurgent site on Tau Ceti and we are not to stick around once the package is delivered, its in cargo bay at the moment but is classified we are not allowed open it. Thats not what worries me though resistance will probably be heavy and if we can't cloak till we enter orbit they will probably know we are coming."

"Lets just say I'm uneasy about this op, I have read your service record, very distinguished, We'll be relying on that, don't let us d.....", before he could finish his sentence the alarms sounded in the hall and the ship rocked violently struggling to his feet Smyth ran to the coms panel, punching the button the Comms came to life,

"Bridge this is Smyth, What the hell is going on?"

"Shields here sir the Hyperdrive has failed engineering is complaining about some faulty equipment in the manifold, Commander Jackson is on his way to engineering and requests you meet him there.!

"I'm on my way!", Smyth replied turning quickly he gave one last look at the sargeant and left the room for engineering.....

Smyth arrived in engineering to find his commander and the chief engineer, Rob Faulker arguing, he decided not to intervene and waited for them to finish. The commander finished and walked over to Smyth,"Problem Sir?" enquired Smyth.

"Yes, The Hyperdrive is down Faulker says something about the manifold and faulty cooling unit blaming rushed repairs.", Jackson replied sounding a little unnerved.

"How long till its repaired sir?"

"Acording to Faulker about 2 hours", turning from Smyth Jackson thumbed the com panel on the wall,"Bridge this is Jackson whats our current location?"

"We're currently in the Tramis system sir sensors show no local ship activity beyond traders"

"Good", jackson relaxed a little at the news all they needed was to get caught crippled by an insurgent patrol or the like,"Engage the cloak and shut down none esential systems we'll run silent while repairs are carried out, Jackson out...."

Jackson and Smyth turned and left engineering heading for the bridge as they did so lights and systems shut down and the ship went silent and the cloak system hummed to life....

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Jackson sat in his chair on the bridge tapping his finger nails on his console, they had been sitting dead in space for over an hour, however now the repairs were in their final phase problem was engineering had to take the main power systems offline to re-align the repaired coolant system, Jackson had ordered the Andromeda enter a low orbit around the planet and use the planet as cover however that was 20 minutes ago and his anxiety rose with every passing minute, Smyth paced the bridge stopping intermitantly to check the display on whoevers console he was passing, he was uneast to and he was constantly checking ships status to reassure himself all was in order..........

The minutes ticked on..............

"ALERT ...ALERT INTRUDERS DETECTED", Jackson jumped in his seat at the sudden break in the silence on the bridge he turned to his console and checked Perscan, showing 10 intruders in various sections of the ship, jackson was relieved they had a full compliment of well trained marines on board and off course Sargeant Adams would be glad to see some action, even if it was earlier than expected...."James, Perscan shows 10 intruders begin standard border defence", Jackson Barked, immediatly Smyth turned and started issuing orders to the various departments on board, the Andromeda's standard response to intruders was already swinging into action even as Jackson thumbed the coms to Engineering, the bridge was being sealed and power to launch control was being shut down, as Jackson glanced at his Perscan display he could see the marines moving out in a standard search pattern."Engineering we're breaking orbit bring the main power on-line," not waiting for a response he cut the com line.

"James, there is cloaked ship out there somewhere we've got to get out of here."

"Yes sir but we have no hyperdrive even with main power we can not leave the system".....

"Then take us down! Start Planet fall procedures, power up the shields and prepare the weapon systems...."

"Bridge, this is engineering main power is restored hyperdrive still off-line,"

Fine Jackson though we'll just have to get along without it,"Start Desecent!"

The Andromeda Hummed to life as power systems returned to full power all over the ship lights came back on and systems whistled and burped into operation again.

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Guest Mikel



Nimitz patiently listened to Smyth's concerns and quietly filed them away to a corner of his mind. After he had left Nimitz turned back to work and started examining the explosives...and who would be the lucky bast*rds that would carry them. Suddenly the ship went silent and dark; "Cloaking is engaged," he thought to himself. He got a feeling that something bad was going to happen. He rushed to the armory and grabbed his weapon, even though the marines there on duty thought he was crazy.

It is a nice weapon that was fairly new. It is a shotgun that has dual magazines, about the length of a carbine, and a moderate weight. It had a long list of features, the most important, other then the dual magazines, was that it could be fired in pump, semi, or full automatic modes and had a button to cycle the current shell out of the chamber. Thinking a moment, he decided to load pellet and beanbag shells, loading the chamber with a pellet shell, and strapped some extra magazines to his bandolier.

Suddenly the ear-splitting sound of General Quarters sounded throughout the ship. Grabbing the rest of his gear, he rushed to his post at engineering, shotgun at ready.


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The Andromeda dived like a hawk diving for its next meal, having broken through the atmosphere she was now a prey for standard weathar conditions she was buffeted and rocked by the wind shearing by outside. Jackson held fast in his command chair unshaken by the violent motion of the ship around him.

"Altitude", he barked accross the bridge.

"50,000 feet and descending sir!", came the reply,"stay on course, we need to be lower, Helm bring us down over a body of water please."

Just as Jackson finished his sentence the Andromeda rocked sharply and an explosion was heard,"REPORT".

Smyth check the systems on his post,"were under fire sir!, shields are holding,"

Jackson turned to check the Perscan it showed the intruders onboard, a firefight was ensuing on the engineering deck, two medics and an engineer were already lost but marines were converging on the area, he noted Sargeant Adams was in engineering and allowed himself a wiry smile.

This was out of carachter for standard raiders usually, they would board and head for the cargo bay to steal some cargo, then they'd try and steal a shuttle to escape, something was not right! As he finished his thoughts another shot struck home pounding the Andromeda's shields but they held.

"Increase speed to maximum LT," Jackson calmly noted to Smyth, "Helm take us to 50 above sea level and assume level flight"

"Sir, we're detecting fighters....", Lt shields had been monitoring external transmissions to try and get a track on their attacker.

"Are they ours?"

"Negative Sir, they're closing for attack"

"Activate the PTA system and continue descent", Jackson re-settled himself in his chair as the PTA system opened fire.

As the Andromeda hurtled towards the surface one of the PTA turrets found its target as one of the attacking interceptors exploded in a ball of fire. The others however were still a threat.

[/rp off]

Bumpy enough for you marine?

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Guest Mikel

Could be worse...



Nimitz peered around the corner at the intruders and quickly pulled his head back to analyze what he had seen. Their uniforms looked familier and..."Insurgents," he thought to himself. Peering out once more, he confirmed that and confirmed something else; they were wearing body armor. Pellets would just bounce off it.

He quickly ejected the mag of pellet shells and loaded a mag of slugs instead. He also cycled the unexpanded shell in the chamber. He quickly reported what he had found to the TO and waited for a response...


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Shots pounded the hull as the Andromeda leveled out, shields were failing and on the bridge smoke billowed as one of the power relays gave out from the strain. Smyth Grabbed a fire extinguisher and ran to put out the flames.

The tactical officer turned from his station,"Sir, sargearnt Adams reports the intruders are Insurgents." Jackson's heart sank, "Tell the sargeant to try and capture at least one of the intruders."

Jackson paused a second and barked more orders."Tactical, arm the missiles and recalibrate the scanners to scan for atmospheric disturbance," Jackson stood up from his chair as he spoke his concentration fixed on the view screen,"Pipe the display to my station." The display on Jackson's desk flashed into life Jackson scanned what he saw and then seemed to fix on one area on the screen,"Prepare to fire," his voice was calm and clear.

"Missiles ready sir!"

Jackson feed targetting instructions to his panel the sargeant at tactical looked at the information bewildered, but he followed orders. Jackson waited, Smyth held his breath the seconds seemed to drag on forever........"FIRE!", Jackson yelled the Sargeant at tacops punched the fire button still unsure were the missile was going, everbody turned to the viewscreen and watched the missile trailed away from the Andromeda leaving a white streaking trail behind as she went, making her easy to track. everybody watched as the missile streak towards it designated target but nothing was there, Suddenly a flash and an explosion as the missile struck home. An insurgent crusier light up as the missile struck head on, Jackson turned to the Tacops station,"Target that explosion, and Fire!"

Another 4 missiles leapt from the Andromeda in quick succession Three stuck their target one flying off wildly after an attacking fighter, but the job had been done the Insurgents cloak failed as the ship became totally visible sitting less than 5 NM from the Andromeda's nose. "Commander to all weapon stations new target all firepower." Within seconds the tides had turned the insurgent ship was taking heavy fire from the Andromeda's weapons even the IOD system now had a bear on her, but with her cloak down she was free to return fire and fire she was. Shots hit home as the Andromeda felt the brunt of the insurgent retaliation, explosions rocked the bridge but even damaged as she was the Andromeda was gaining the upper hand. The insurgent ship turned and made course to leave her fighters following in her wake. checking the Perscan Jackson saw the intruders had been withdrawn also and the marines were in the process of cleaning up one or two straglers that were unfortuante enough to miss the beam out.

Relieved Jackson slumped back in his chair he sighed heavily,"Give me a damage report," Smyth returning to his station checked the damage report coming in....."PTA station 2 is damaged, as is launch bay 1 and shields are at 10%",Jackson sighed again anymore delays and they would miss their mission windows, thumbing the comlink he was connected to engineering,"Engineering this is the bridge, get the Hyperdrive working asap other repairs to be completed en-route."

"Resume course to target we'll engage the hyperdrive when it becomes available again."

The Andromeda raised her battered hull and resumed course with a little luck their should be no more surprises.

[ 05-21-2001: Message edited by: Emmett.hendrick ]

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A few hours later the Andromeda arrived in the Tau Ceti system, repairs were going well and their had been no more 'surprises' enroute.

Jackson sat in his command chair on the bridge as the ship returned to normal space,"Report!"

"We have reached our destination, Sir", Smyth replied,"Scans show two trader registered vehicles heading towards the jump anomoly but otherwise the system seems deserted." Even as he spoke Smyth was uneasy, Insurgent traffic had been increasing recently so the fact that the only ships visible in the system were traders was a bit unusual.

Jackson looked at the tacops screen on his console confirming what his first officer was telling him,"Ok....Good, Set course for the planet and establish a high orbit, engage the cloak just before we enter detection range from the planet. Sound general quarters." Jackson stared back at his display flicking through he assigned half the on board marine compliment to search duties and sent Sargeant Adams and his team to the transporter also moving the 'cargo' to the transporter. Flicking the tacops display he checked the defence status of the base, disturbed by what he saw he then prepared the interceptors for launch and assigned some marines to 2 atv's manning the launch shuttles as required. As personnel moved to their assigned locations Jackson also quickly changed the missile loadout for the Andromeda loading a few OTS missiles, 'Just in case'.

"Sir, we have a slight problem", Smyth interupted the commander as he was finishing,"we only have enough supplies for 5 minutes of cloak left." finishin his job Jackson looked up at Smyth,"Don't worry LT we only need cloak for about that long anyway."

Smyth turned back to his station and continued his duties, checking Perscan he could see the crew moving to their assigned locations, flight engineers prepared the various interceptors and shuttles for launch and marines started their search patterns. A couple of minutes latter as Andromeda approached the planet the cloak engaged and Smyth took a deep breath.

Assuming a high orbit around the planet, the Andromeda hung and prepared her assault. Jackson sat concentrating on his console punching waypoints and orders to the fighter and shuttle crews that were now ready to launch. Once all was prepared and he received confirmation that the orders had been received he gave the launch clearance for the 4 IC's.

The fighters shot forward from the Andromeda Streaking through the night sky like a shooting star, achieving planet fall in just a couple of seconds, generating red burning trails behind them as they hurtled through the planet atmosphere, the atmosphere was fairly thin on Tau Ceti so with another couple of seconds they were at high altitude decending rapidly the cold air, cooling the skin of the fighters as they dove. Diving to just above sea level they leveled out and set direct course for their target. Back on the Andromeda Jackson watch the images on Tacops unfold in front of him, he watched 4 dots repersenting the IC's streak towards their target, when they were 10 miles out he called up his command pallet and set three strike points for the OTS missiles. Choosing his targets carefully he targeted 2 of the defence platforms and the marine barricks, glancing quickly at the clock he noted that they only had about a minute or so of cloak left, he knew he had to make these missiles count. Setting the targets for the missiles he flicked the launch control and launched the two shuttles with their ATV cargo with waypoints just short of the base and orders to deploy the ATV's. As The shuttles cleared the ionsphere he once again returned to the tacops view and, hesitating for a second, fired the OTS missiles.

Almost at the exact same moment Smyth started the countdown to beam the marine squad and their 'cargo' to the surface, taking a quick moment he said a quick prayer for luck for Sargeant Adams and his team.

The missile screamed downwards as they streaked on their course, passing the shuttles enroute. their onboard systems making minor modifications to their course as they were buffeted by the planetry winds that rose to meet them. Jackson watched on the Tacops as the missiles struck home the view camera showed the devestation as their targets were obliterated in a fireball. As explsions rocked the compond the fighters steaked in over head missiles streaking from them as they went. As the IC's missiles struck home causing complete panic on the ground the Shuttles dropped their cargo, the Atv's raced into the compond picking off targets as they went. Smyth watched as the carnage unfolded, smiling to himeself he hit the deploy but and Sargeant Adams and his team materialised on the ground

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Guest Mikel

Sorry for not replying


Planet surface

Teleporting had always left him slighty disoriented. In his next blink, he was on the surface. He had ditched his indoor gear for standard marine equipment.

"Okay, let's get moving. The current ROE is to shoot on sight; shoot first and ask questions later. You know what to do." All the other members that he had beamed down with were scrutinized carefully. The sound of weapons fire came from the base and the squad moved quickly.

Then, they were inside. The ATV's managed to provide a great distraction. They came a building that was suspected to have the enemy C&C. A familiar saying rang through his mind, "MI is a oxymoron for Military Intellegence; never trust MI." He gestured for two marines carrying shotguns to go in first. The door was electronically locked and would require a few moments to open...


Back to you.

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Jackson watched closely on tacops as the spec ops team moved through the complex, commenting on himself to compliment Sargeant Adams on his efficiency in battle.

"Cloak disengaging Sir", Jackson looked up as Smyth finished his sentence, "Very well activate the PTA system and prepare for retaliation as he spoke he caught a flare in his tacops display, relising what it was he turn to Smyth, "James incoming Surface launch, put some distance between us and the planet, NOW!" turning back to his station he targeted another OTS at the launch location of the missile and fired, As the OTS launched the enemy missile found the Andromeda, striking home the ship shook violently and Jackson was thrown from his seat. Compossing himself he threw himself back in his chair just in time to see the OTS strike the ground, Striking the Comms button on his panel,"Andromeda to all IC's some orbital defences are still active, Eliminate them". The fighters signaled their response and adjusted their flight plan accordingly, sweeping low and fast over the compond looking for viable targets, Station defences were now responding however and IC4 took a nasty hit, crippled the craft turned spaceward to return, however other defences now found their target and the ship exploded in a fiery explosion.

Jackson watched the explosion on his screen, angered he targeted another OTS and fired this time hitting the 'lucky' defence platform which scored the first hit. Smyth turned to his commander a look of worry on his face,"Sir incoming battlecruser, records show it to be insurgent". Damn Jackson had though they might be lucky and have no space interferance on this run,"Recall the remaining IC's for point defence, reload some STS missiles and activate the main IOD unit, get us around the other side of the Planet NOW, lets see how long we can hide out, disable launch control I don't want intruders getting any remaining shuttles.

Smyth looking up from his station, "The ship is a couple of minutes out sir however we are starting to read intruders on board marines are moving to intercept locking down Vital areas"

Again the Andromeda prepared to repel her borders, the bridge was sealed off and non essential crew assigned to their quarters. As the protocols swung into action the Andromeda moved to hide behind the planet to try and play a cat and mouse game with the approaching battlecruser.......

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As her IC's rejoined the Andromeda and swung into a standard escort formation, Jackson checked the tacops display at his station, the Insurgent ship was closing now and was almost in firing range. "James take us down into the atmosphere, with a little luck the heat will interfere with their targeting sensors", Smyth turned and echoed Jackson's command to the relevant stations as the Andromeda dropped lower into the planets atmosphere. Unable to with stand long term exposure to the atmosphere like their mothership the IC's were forced to maintain a higher orbit, and as the Andromeda dived lower a squad of 3 Insurgent IC's swooped on their positions, reacting quickly the Andromeda's fighters banked hard and rolled clear of the initial volley, turning hard as they came to bear on the new threat.

Jackson checked the tacops display again the enemy ship was closing fast, the turbulence from the atmosphere was slowing them down but Jackson hoped it would work. He rose from his seat to approach his first officer when an explsion knocked him to the ground, off to his left the main door to the bridge was blown open as about 6(maybee more) intrruders made their way onto the bridge, the bridge crew scattered taking defensive positions and drawing their sidearms as they went.

Smyth let go of his chair and steading himself he grabed his side arm and his personal combat weapon, a collapseable combat staff which he had first seen in ancient history file that he found when sarching for references to Andromeda, Leaping for cover as shots ricoched around him Smyth found cover behind the engineering station, he started to return fire as best he could ducking to avoid the volleys of shots that seemed to be constantly hitting around him. Taking a second to look around he could see the rest of the bridge crew were also pinned down, he could see Commander Jackson crouched behind another station and the rest of the crew were nestled behind their respective stations.

Suddenly a shout and the fire diminished, as Smyth looked up he could see the intruders turning to meet another threat as they turned 2 were quickly cut down, James recognised the sound of the weapons being used, the Andromeda's remaining marine contingent had tracked down the intruders, however the insurgents had the advantage, they held the bridge and currently there was only one way onto the bridge and the insurgents had the marines pinned at the doorway. As he watched James saw Jackson get up from his position and run to his chair, grabbing the command console he started to punch the commands that would open the other entrances to the bridge, a single insurgent solder saw him and turning fired a quick burst hitting Jackson square in the chest. Screaming James Jumped from his cover and ran to his Commander firing as he went, shot after shot rang out, the insurgent range out one last shot and Jackson fell to the ground, the hole in his head showing the entry wound from the Insurgents weapon, as he fell the doors to the bridge hissed open and the marines rushed the Insurgent intruders, James continuing to fire as he approached his fallen commander, hit home with the Insurgent solder, hitting him square in the chest a number of times, as he drew close to Jackson another Insurgent approached screaming wildly. James quickly swinging his staff caught the Insurgent square in the chest and with a quick, powerful push sent the insurgent stumbling into the commanders chair where he lay unconcoius.

Knelling next to Jackson, James lifted his head in his arms, amazing Jackson was still alive, looking up into james's eyes he whispered,"The bridge is yours James, Look after her!"

"I will", Promised James as Jackson closed his eyes and his head fell limp in James's arms.........

[ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: Emmett.hendrick ]

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Guest Mikel


A insurgent soldier went flying as Nimitz' boot caught him in the gut. A few rounds from his rifle took down another one. They were clearing floors fairly quickly, but resistance was increasing. It was not a problem; they were right outside their target. There was no time for being subtle here; they bashed the door down and gunned down everyone in the room. Gesturing for the demolitions men to start their job, the rest of them took cover and prepared for the inetivible onslaught...

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Medics arrived on the bridge to attend to the wounded, Geraldine Meagher, the chief medical officer came over and scanned Jackson she looked at James and shook her head, James helped her lift him onto a gurney,"Take him to medbay."

James turned and looked at the bridgeview,"Sargeant get this 'TRASH' off the bridge, tactical arm six missiles and target that cruiser." The crew responded quickly returning to their stations and resuming their duties, marines scrambled to remove the dead intruders and take the unconcious to the brig."Tactical what is our status," James barked his voice hanging heavy on the bridge, his voice had changed he had a fire in his eyes that no one had seen before and he stood staring at the viewer never turning his attention.

"The Insurgent ship is just outside the atmosphere, Sir. I believe they are only getting intermitant readings on us because of the interferance."

"Good!", James smiled wirely,"REDUCE SPEED!"

The Andromeda lurched slightly as she responded to the helm, low enough to be caught by planet gravity, and still getting buffeted by the planets atmosphere she was slow to respond but she did. On the bridge James watched as the Insurgent ship pulled ahead slowly, "Missiles armed sir!"

"Helm take us up behind the other ship, tactical prepare to fire on my command!"

The Andromeda rose from the atmosphere like a phoenix rising from the dead her skin glowed red with the heat and that fire was reflected in Smyth's eyes on the bridge.

The Insurgent ship immediatly started to change course and her PTA turrets opened up hit the Andromeda's shield, on the bridge James held firm staring at the bridgeviewer intensly he watched as shot after shot hit the Andromeda's shields, at this range they couldn't really miss. As the Andromeda drew closer the other ship it filled the view screen..........

"FIRE ALL WEAPONS!" James growled on the bridge. The missiles shot from the Andromeda hitting the insurgent ship HARD, at this range she couldn't miss either and all missiles hit in quick succession, PTA stations joined the attack also and the main IOD cannon fired with a perfect line on the Insurgents engineering deck. The six missiles did their job perfectly stiking hard on target and destroy the shield system aswell as causing some major damage around the engine room, when the IOD cannon and the PTA systems joined in the tide was turned completely. In under a minute the Insurgent ship plumetted planetside its engine room completely destroyed and severe damage to other areas of the ship. As she fell the Andromeda continued to fire but it was more to seal the dying ships fate than causing any new damage.

On the bridge James Sighed, he took a second to compose himself and then turned to the helm,"Take us back into our place in orbit, Tactical, Get those ATV's and FIGHTERs back on board. Comms, get hold of Sargeant Adam's and get a sit rep, I want to be outta here as quick as possible"

The Andromeda rolled as she turned towards her new waypoint soon she was joined by her IC's which quickly docked. On the surface the ATVs had broken their assault and were now on board the shuttles on their way home. James sat waiting for a report from the team on the surface.

[/rp off]

[ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: Emmett.hendrick ]

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Guest Mikel


"Sergeant Nimitz, this is the Andromeda. We want a SITREP, over." Nimitz replied, "Andromdea, this is Sergeant Nimitz. We are currently pinned down at the target. We have a few minor casualties. We would be glad if you could try and transport us from this deathtrap. The bombs will be activated for a 15-minute delay in a few seconds, so that's the time we have to escape. Nimitz, out."

Holding his rifle at the ready he prepared for the next wave of attackers as the bomb's timers activated...

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James stood on the bridge as the report from Sargeant Adams came in, "Ok get them outta there, HELM, make course out of here best possible speed."

As the transporter pulled the marines from the surface the Andromeda pulled clear from orbit of the planet, watching the target zone on Tacops James smiled when a few minutes latter the entire installation exploded in a ball of flames, James wondered to himself why it had to be done this way, why an orbital assault wounldn't have done the job but, he put the thoughts out of his mind and left the bridge heading for medbay.

When he got there medics were busily treating the injured, half a dozen marines sat on beds with various injuries along with a couple of medics and some engineers. James walked over to Geraldine Meagher the chief medical officer,"So Geraldine how bad is it?"

Geralding turned to James and smiled, it was a sign of sympathy but it warmed James slightly to see it, he liked when she smiled it raised his spirits even at dark times, he returned her smile with a wiry smile."Not to bad," she said returning to look at the displays on her console,"The marines aren't to badly hurt, Rob Faulker has some bad radine burns but he refused to stay for treatment he let me patch him up and then returned to engineeing," James laughed Faulker was a stubborn man and loved his job in James's opinion he had an unhealty obsession with the Andromeda's engines but he was a damn good engineer and James could think of no one else he would rather have in engineering never the less Geraldine would not mention it if she was not worried he turned and activated the com panel,"Chief engineer Faulker report to medbay for treatment, that is an order." the com link crackled from the other end indicating a response but James cut him off not wishing for an arguement from his chief engineer turning back to Geraldine he smiled at her and said,"If he's not here in the next half hour i'll get some marines to 'invite' him up here."

Geraldine winked,"thanks hes a stubborn git, were did you get that?" James looked he had a large gash on his right arm, Geraldine grabbed a bandage and some wipes and started to clean the wound,"I must have got it on the bridge."

"I heard," Geraldine looked up at his face as she spoke,"Its a terrible thing thats happened here today James and now a big resposibilty lies on your shoulders, I know you'll do a good job, she kissed him on the check and then pated his arm,"all done your free to go sir."

James walked over to the bed were Commander Jackson's body lay he stood for a few moments as he said a silent prayer for his fallen commander, around him the buz of the medbay died as people watched. After a few moments James stopped turned on his heal and marched out of medbay and back to his quarters.

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Guest Mikel



After checking on the wounded, Nimitz gathered the rest of the tired strike force for a debriefing. "All right people, you saw what happened. You saw mistakes happen. You saw stupid ideas. This is your time to make comments on everyone, including me, and the plan. So, let's hear it."

The debriefing went on for about a hour before everyone had exausted what they wanted to say. Nimitz told everyone to have some R&R, they deserved it. When everyone was gone, Nimitz headed to the Medibay to keep a eye on the wounded, to listen to what they wanted to say, and to touch the report of the incident which he would submit to the Commander...


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James sat pondering in his quarters in a little over half an hour his whole world had changed, he was now (temporarily at least) in command of the Andromeda and it was up to him to get the ship and her crew home, he activated his desk console and stared at the damage report, a number of key systems were damage, the cloak was drained. He knew they had parts for most of the critical components on board it was the parts they didn't have that worried him, he glanced at the parts list folker had prepared so far a couple of major parts needed, plus the fact that IC 4 would need to be replaced sooner rather than latter. He went over and poured himself a drink, activating the com system he was connected to the bridge,"Helm set course for the nearest friendly station, best speed!"

Walking to the window he looked out as Andromeda jumped towards the system exit gate, he stared aimlessly into the black void his mind wandering through the past with Jackson as his guide.

The knock on the door shocked him to reality, he turned, and sat back at his desk his drink still in his hand,"Come In"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mikel

Time to wrap this up.



"Come in," came muffled through the door. Taking a deep breath and releasing it, Nimitz opened the door and quickly shut it behind him with a practiced motion. He came to a potion of attention and quickly rattled out, "Sir, Sargeant Nimitz reporting with my report, sir..."


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