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Well folks, looks like detecting lying has gone the next step LIAR LIAR . But it does have big social rammifications about it's uses and that of future devices being thought about.

"Perhaps one would need only point a sensing device at people ÔÇö making it possible to test someoneÔÇÖs truthfulness without their knowledge.

ÔÇ£WeÔÇÖre interested in covert detection of prefrontal activity, where the subject may not be told the experience is occurring. ThatÔÇÖs in the future but it is possible,ÔÇØ he said. ÔÇ£Obviously, there are ethical problems.ÔÇØ

Critics agree." EGADS!!!!!!

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It's been my experience that people lie because a majority of human beings cannot handle truth.

As a species, we could grow up a bit. If a politician stated there was new evidence of extra-terresrial life, I could easily see most of the planet looking to these aliens as salvation. People would get mad that a "more evolved species" didn't do anything to help them get out of the ghetto believing they "deserve" to be given the gift of everything.

"What's my cut?" seems to be the big cosmic question posed by humanity sometimes. I would hesitate to share certain things with such a people.

I see a device that measures one's veracity quickly becoming a weapon used by children to get what they want.

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